通过比较老枞和新枞凤凰单丛茶树茶叶挥发性香气物质和化学成分的异同,为凤凰单丛茶古茶树资源的评价和利用提供理论依据。以老枞蜜兰香、老枞八仙、新枞蜜兰香和新枞八仙4个样品茶叶为研究对象,采用感官审评、同时蒸馏萃取(simultaneous distillation extraction, SDE)制备、气相色谱质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometer, GC-MS)分析和茶叶品质生化成分分析方法,对4个样品茶叶外形、汤色、香气、滋味、叶底、香气物质成分和品质生化成分进行审评、测定和比较。结果显示,老枞八仙在感官评审中得分最高,新枞蜜兰香得分最低。GC-MS分析显示,4个样品共检测得到醇类、杂环类、烯烃类、酯类、烷烃类和酮类等化合物61种香气成分,其中老枞蜜兰香与新枞蜜兰香相同的香气物质有30种,老枞八仙与新枞八仙相同的香气物质有38种。4个茶叶样品相同的香气物质有21种,占全部香气物质种类的34.4%。茶叶品质生化成分测定结果显示,茶多酚和儿茶素含量最高的是新枞蜜兰香,氨基酸和水浸出物含量最高的是老枞八仙,咖啡碱含量最高的是老枞蜜兰香。综合实验结果,老枞茶树茶叶的感官品质和化学品质与新枞茶树茶叶有一定差异,这种差异与茶树的茶龄有关。
By comparing volatile aroma substances and chemical constituents of Old and New Tea Fenghuang single-cluster tea, a theoretical basis was provided for evaluating and utilizing Fenghuang single-cluster ancient tea resources. Four tea samples, including Old and New Tea of Milanxiang, and Old and New Tea of Baxian, were selected as research objects. These four samples were analyzed by sensory evaluation, SDE (simultaneous distillation extraction) preparation, GC-MS, and methods to analyse biochemical components related to tea quality. The shape, soup color, aroma, taste, bottom of the leaf, aroma components, and biochemical components of the four samples were evaluated, measured and compared. The results showed that Old Tea of Baxian scored the highest in sensory evaluation, while New Tea of Milanxiang was the lowest. GC-MS analysis showed that 61 kinds of aroma compounds, including alcohols, heterocyclic compounds, alkenes, esters, alkanes, and ketones were detected in four samples. Among them, Old and New Tea of Milanxiang shared 30 kinds of aroma substances, and Old and New Tea of Baxian shared 38 kinds of aroma substances. There were 21 kinds of aroma compounds were in common in all four tea samples, accounting for 34.4% of all aroma substances. The results of determining biochemical components in tea leaves showed that New Tea of Milanxiang had the highest contents of tea polyphenols and catechin, Old Tea of Baxian had the highest contents of amino acids and water extracts, and Old Tea of Milanxiang had the highest content of caffeine. Overall, the results showed that sensory and chemical qualities of old fir tea were different from that of new fir tea, and these differences were related to the age of tea.
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