该研究旨在从腐殖土中筛选得到高产纤维素酶的菌株。利用刚果红染色作为初筛,菌株酶活测定作为复筛得到3株高产纤维素酶的菌株。通过形态学鉴定与分子生物学鉴定,菌株B03、E15为枝孢菌属(Cladosporium sp.),D11为极细枝孢菌(Cladosporium tenuissimum)。菌株B03在以CMC为底物,28 ℃、180 r/min条件下培养3 d后,CMC酶活达(427.62±2.78)U/mL,FPA酶活为(46.83±1.85)U/mL,在以油菜秸秆为底物时其CMC酶活也达到(352.50±4.17)U/mL,培养6 d后秸秆降解率达26.8%,具有较好的降解能力。筛选得到3株高产纤维素酶的真菌菌株,其中菌株B03的纤维素酶活较高,是一株具有研究潜力的纤维素酶菌株。
This study aimed to screen high-level cellulase-producing fungi from humus soil. By primary screening on plates with Congo red staining followed by enzyme activity assay, three isolates were obtained and identified as Cladosporium sp. (isolates B03 and E15) and Cladosporium tenuissimum (D11) based on their morphology and molecular markers. The strain B03 produced cellulase with (427.62±2.78) U/mL against CMC and (46.83±1.85) U/mL against FPA after being cultured for 3 d at 28℃ and at 180 r/min using CMC as the substrate. By using rape straw as the substrate, it produced (352.50±4.17) U/mL CMC activity and degraded 26.8% of the straw after culturing for 6 d. In conclusion, strain B03 produced relatively high-level of cellulose among three selected isolates, which is worth for further study.
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