

  • 吴传超 ,
  • 徐富成 ,
  • 顾秋亚 ,
  • 余晓斌
  • 1(江南大学 生物工程学院,江苏 无锡, 214122)
    2(工业生物技术教育部重点实验室江南大学,江苏 无锡,214122)

收稿日期: 2018-11-14

  修回日期: 2018-12-26

  网络出版日期: 2019-05-14



Screening and identification of strains transforming curcumin hydrogenated derivatives and medium optimization

  • WU Chuanchao ,
  • XU Fucheng ,
  • GU Qiuya ,
  • YU Xiaobin
  • 1(School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122,China)
    2(The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of EducationJiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)

Received date: 2018-11-14

  Revised date: 2018-12-26

  Online published: 2019-05-14


以姜黄素(curcumin,CUR)为唯一碳源的培养基中初筛出83株菌种,再利用高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)复筛,得到5株可以以姜黄素为底物生产二氢姜黄素(dihydrocurcumin,DHC)与四氢姜黄素(tetrahydrocurcumin,THC)的菌株。以初始产率最高的菌种作为目的菌种,通过形态学特征与26S rDNA D1/D2区基因序列比对鉴定出该菌株为Cyberlindnera rhodanensis。对基础发酵培养基中碳源、氮源及无机盐进行单因素优化,得出结果为,产DHC的最佳碳源为40 g/L葡萄糖、氮源为30 g/L蛋白胨、无机盐为2 g/L K2HPO4,在此条件下产率由10.49%提高到20.20%;产THC的最优碳源、氮源和无机盐分别为20 g/L葡萄糖、20 g/L蛋白胨和3 g/L K2HPO4,优化后产率由13.67%提高到24.31%。首次筛选得到1株能以姜黄素为底物,通过微生物转化得到二氢姜黄素与四氢姜黄素的酵母菌,为姜黄素加氢衍生物的研究提供一定参考,并且提供新菌种资源。


吴传超 , 徐富成 , 顾秋亚 , 余晓斌 . 转化姜黄素加氢衍生物菌株的筛选鉴定及培养基优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(7) : 45 -51 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019321


There were 83 strains screened out from the medium using curcumin (CUR) as the sole carbon source, and they were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). There were five strains that were able to produce dihydrocurcumin (DHC) and tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) using curcumin as substrate. The strain with the highest initial yield was used as target and was identified as Cyberlindnera rhodanensis by morphological characteristics and 26S rDNA D1/D2 region gene sequence alignment. The results showed that the optimal amounts of carbon source, nitrogen source, and inorganic salts to produce DHC were 40 g/L glucose, 30 g/L peptone, and 2 g/L K2HPO4, respectively. Under this condition, the yield of DHC increased from 10.49% to 20.20%. The optimal amounts of carbon source, nitrogen source, and inorganic salts to produce THC were 20 g/L glucose, 20 g/L peptone, and 3 g/L K2HPO4, respectively. The optimized yield of THC increased by 24.31% from 13.67%. This study screened a yeast strain that can use CUR as a substrate to obtain DHC and THC by microbial transformation for the first time, together with providing new strain resources.


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