使用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)建立了聚乳酸(polyactic acid, PLA)发泡餐盒中2种爽滑剂(硬脂酰胺和芥酸酰胺)的检测方法,并研究这2种爽滑剂向3种食品模拟物的迁移,PLA发泡餐盒在40 ℃和70 ℃下与异辛烷、无水乙醇和95%体积分数乙醇的双面接触;使用毒理学关注阈值法(threshold of toxicological concern, TTC)对餐盒中2种爽滑剂进行风险评估。结果表明,2种爽滑剂向95%体积分数的乙醇和无水乙醇的迁移量几乎相同,均高于在异辛烷中的迁移量;与芥酸酰胺相比,硬脂酰胺向食品模拟物中迁移的更快,有更高的迁移率,但由于芥酸酰胺在餐盒中的初始含量远大于硬脂酰胺,所以芥酸酰胺的迁移量要大于硬脂酰胺;从PLA发泡餐盒中迁移到食品模拟物中的硬脂酰胺和芥酸酰胺,其估计日摄入量(estimated daily intake,EDI)分别为0.34 mg/(人·d),0.73 mg/(人·d),均超过安全阈值0.09 mg/(人·d),说明该PLA发泡餐盒作为食品接触材料使用时要严格控制爽滑剂的用量,确保食品安全。
A method using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)to detect two slipping agents, stearic amide and erucic amide, in polyactic acid (PLA) foaming containers, was established. Migrations of two slipping agents into three food simulants (isooctane, ethanol, and 95% ethanol) were investigated at 40 ℃ and 70 ℃. PLA foaming containers were double-sided contacted with food simulants. Besides, threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) was introduced to assess the safety of two slipping agents in foods. It was shown that the migration amounts of two slipping agents into ethanol and 95% ethanol were almost the same, which were both higher than migrating to isooctane. Compared with erucic amide, stearic mide migrated faster into food simulants and had higher migration rate. However, since the initial content of erucic amide in PLA foaming containers was much higher than that of stearic amide, the migration amount of erucic amide was higher. Estimated daily intakes (EDI) of migrated stearic amide and erucic amide in food simulants were 0.34 mg/person/day and 0.73 mg/person/day, respectively. Both were higher than the safety threshold 0.09 mg/person/day, which means the amount of slipping agent used in this PLA foaming containers should be strictly controlled to ensure food safety.
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