This study aimed to research the influences of glutathione-enriched inactive dry yeast preparations on the quality of white wine and optimize the traditional winemaking craft. Three kinds of inactive dry yeast preparations with different levels of glutathione were added to juice and compared against that with SO2 treatment. The basic physiochemical indicators, browning index, CIELab parameters, aroma composition, antioxidant properties (ABTS· scavenging capacity, DPPH· scavenging capacity, and total reducing power) were investigated, and the sensory quality of wine was also evaluated. The results showed that glutathione-enriched inactive dry yeast preparations could significantly increase the contents of esters and terpenes, as well as the aroma of dry white wine. However, they did not show any inhibitory effects on the browning of white wine. Both 10% glutathione yeast extract and 2% glutathione inactive dry yeast preparation increased the browning level of white wine. Additionally, they decreased the brightness of wine, increased the yellow hue and weakened the green hue. The wine samples treated with glutathione enriched inactive dry yeast preparations had less antioxidant properties than samples treated with SO2.
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