以‘清香’核桃为试材,研究不同冻藏温度(0~-2 ℃、-2~-4 ℃、-5~-7 ℃、-10~-12 ℃)对去青皮鲜核桃冻藏期间感官、营养及油脂等品质变化的影响。结果表明,0~-2 ℃和- 2~-4 ℃条件下去青皮核桃于贮藏中期种壳发黏并长霉,失去商品性;-5~-7 ℃和-10~-12 ℃条件下均无上述现象,可冷冻贮藏周年,核桃均仍具鲜味,贮藏8个月,核桃含水量、可溶性蛋白质和脂肪含量较高,不饱和脂肪酸含量上升,油脂酸价、过氧化值和皂化值较低,碘值较高,能够较好地保持核桃的营养及油脂品质;但-5~-7 ℃条件下,核桃种皮褐变指数较低,核仁的风味明显优于-10~-12 ℃,综合贮藏成本考虑,冷冻温度以-5~-7 ℃为宜。
The effects of different freezing temperatures (0--2, -2--4, -5--7, and -10--12 ℃) on changes in sensory, nutritional, and oil quality of peeled and frozen stored fresh walnuts were studied. The results showed that at 0--2 ℃ and -2--4 ℃, the husks of walnuts became sticky and moldy in the middle of storage and therefore lost their commercial values. There was no such phenomenon observed at -5--7 ℃ and -10--12 ℃. Under these conditions, the walnuts could be stored for 1 year, and the walnuts still had a fresh taste. After storing for eight months, the contents of moisture, soluble protein, and fat were higher, and the amounts of unsaturated fatty acids increased, with lower acid value, peroxide value, and saponification value, and high iodine value. In other words, the nutritional and oil qualities of walnut could be better maintained at -5--7 ℃ and -10--12 ℃. However, at -5--7 ℃, the browning index of walnut seed coat was lower, and the flavor of the walnuts was better than stored at -10--12 ℃. Therefore, by considering the cost of storage, the suitable freezing temperature was -5--7 ℃.
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