
  • 1(宁夏大学农学院,宁夏回族自治区,银川,750021)2(宁夏红枸杞产业集团有限公司,宁夏回族自治区,银川,750000)

网络出版日期: 2017-11-30

Isolation, screening and analysis of aroma components of non-Saccharomyces for wolfberry wine

  • 1 (School of Agriculture Ning Xia University, Yin chuan, Ning Xia 750021,China) 2 (Ning Xia Hong Gouqi Industry Group Co., Ltd, Yin chuan, Ning Xia 750000,China)

Online published: 2017-11-30


研究显示非酿酒酵母在果酒发酵前期可产生更多的香气成分,有助于果酒风味的提高。为获得适合枸杞果酒发酵的非酿酒酵母,从枸杞果园土壤、枸杞鲜果及枸杞果自然发酵液中分离出酵母82株。经香气初步筛选及耐受性研究,确定3株各方面性能良好。经26S rDNA序列分析,确定GF-60和GF-80为葡萄汁有孢汉逊酵母(Hanseniaspora uvarum),GB-1为戴尔有孢圆酵母(Torulaspora delbrueckii)。将GF-60与商用酿酒酵母以3:1比例进行混合发酵枸杞果酒,经GC-MS测定分析,结果显示与酿酒酵母单独发酵相比,混种发酵含有更多种类的香气成分。


剧柠, 赵梅梅, 柯媛, 等 . 枸杞果酒用非酿酒酵母的分离筛选及香气成分分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2017 , 43(11) : 125 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014953


Studies have shown that non Saccharomyces can produce more aroma components at the pre- fermentation stage of fruit wine, which contributes to the improvement of wine flavor. In order to obtain the non- Saccharomyces suitable for wolfberry wine, 82 strains of yeast were isolated from wolfberry orchard soil, fresh fruit of wolfberry and naturally fermented wolfberry liquid. 3 strains were showed good performance in aroma and tolerance aspects through preliminary screening and tolerance study. By the analysis of 26S rDNA sequence, GF-60 and GF-85were identified as Hanseniaspora uvarum, GB-1 was identified as Torulaspora delbrueckii. Through GC-MS analysis, the wolfberry wine fermented by GF-60 and commercial yeast (ratio 3:1) produced more kinds of  aroma components than which was fermented only by commercial yeast.
