优化了柑橘中类胡萝卜素的提取条件,结合超高效液相色谱法进行快速测定,并重点分析比较了不同品种的不同部位(果肉和果皮)中类胡萝卜素物质的种类和含量差异。结果表明:宽皮柑橘中类胡萝卜素含量丰富,类胡萝卜素以β-隐黄质为主,果肉中总平均含量为8.44 mg/kg FW,果皮为23.73 mg/kg FW;不同品种宽皮柑橘之间的含量差异显著,果肉中类胡萝卜素含量呈橘类(14.73 mg/kg FW)>柑类(13.51 mg/kg FW)>杂柑类(8.11 mg/kg FW)的规律,而果皮中类胡萝卜素含量呈橘类(47.94 mg/kg FW)>杂柑类(28.71 mg/kg FW)>柑类(21.80 mg/kg FW)的规律。该文对宽皮柑橘中功能成分开发利用具有重要意义。
At present, the main international researches of carotenoids in citrus focus on orange juice, and lack of study on the detection and difference analysis of carotenoids in different kinds of loose-skin mandarins. The extraction conditions of carotenoids in citrus were optimized, followed by rapid analysis by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). The varieties and contents of carotenoid compounds in pulps and peels were compared and discussed. The results showed that â-cryptoxanthin was the major carotenoid of the tested loose-skin mandarins, with total average content of 8.44 mg/kg FW in pulps and 23.73 mg/kg FW in peels. There was a notable difference of carotenoid contents and composition between 34 varieties, with the average content in pulps descending as follows: tangerines (14.73 mg/kg FW)>mandarins (13.51 mg/kg FW)>hybrids (8.11 mg/kg FW), while the order in peels was tangerines (47.94 mg/kg FW)>hybrids (28.71mg/kg FW)>mandarins (21.80 mg/kg FW). It is significant to make full use of the functional components in loose-skin mandarins.
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