为研究不同盐对木薯淀粉结构的影响,利用LiCl、LiNO3、CaCl2和Ca(NO3)2的醇溶液处理木薯淀粉,并通过扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)、激光共聚焦显微镜(confocal laser scanning microscopy, CLSM)、X-射线衍射仪(X-ray diffraction, XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)以及同步热分析仪对处理淀粉进行表征,并对直链淀粉含量(amylose content, AM)进行检测。结果表明:虽然盐/醇处理后的木薯淀粉仍维持其颗粒的完整性,但其内部结构受到严重破坏。处理淀粉的晶型未受到破坏,但其相对结晶度按LiNO3、LiCl、Ca(NO3)2到CaCl2的顺序依次降低。盐/醇处理使淀粉在3 424和1 645 cm-1处的FTIR峰向低波数方向移动。此外,与原淀粉相比,除LiNO3处理的淀粉的直链淀粉含量增高外,其余的样品均降低。而处理淀粉的最大分解温度均低于原木薯淀粉,其降低顺序与其相对结晶度降低顺序相符。综上可知,在乙醇溶液中,不同盐对木薯淀粉结构的影响存在明显的差异性,而通过两两对比可知,Ca2+对木薯淀粉的作用强于锂离子,而Cl-则强于NO-3。
In order to study the effect of different salts on the structure of cassava starch, the cassava starch was treated with salt/alcohol solutions prepared from lithium chloride, lithium nitrate, calcium chloride and calcium nitrate. The treated starches were characterized by SEM, CLSM, XRD, FTIR and simultaneous thermal analyzer. In addition, the AM of the samples was detected. The results showed that although the integrity of cassava starch particles was maintained after the salt/alcohol treatment, the internal structure was heavily destroyed. The crystal form of the treated starches was not damaged, but the relative crystallinity was sequentially reduced in the order of lithium nitrate, lithium chloride, calcium nitrate to calcium chloride. The FTIR peaks at 3 424 cm-1 and 1 645 cm-1 were shifted to the low wavenumber after the salt/alcohol treatment. In addition, compared to the native cassava starch, except for the AM of the sample treated with lithium nitrate was increased, the rest were decreased. All the maximum decomposition temperature of treated starches was lower than the native cassava starch, in which the order was consistent with its relative crystallinity. In summary, the effect of different salts on the structure of cassava starch showed significant differences in the ethanol solution. And by comparing the results of the four salts treatment, it was known that the effect of calcium ion on starch was stronger than lithium ion, while the chloride ion was stronger than nitrate ion.
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