该研究分别利用电子鼻和气质联用(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)分析7种不同品牌浓香型白酒的差异。结果表明,电子鼻的S2、S6、S7和S9 4个传感器对不同品牌浓香型白酒具有较好的响应信号,经主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)筛选后可以作为浓香型白酒差异的特征指标来衡量。基于传感器信号,比较了PCA和线性判别对不同各品牌浓香型白酒的分类效果,PCA分析能够对不同品牌白酒进行较好区分。GC-MS分析表明,不同品牌浓香型白酒风味物质含量存在明显差异,而PCA分析中关系密切的样品在风味成分层面存在相似性。该研究提供了一种基于电子鼻、GC-MS技术和数理统计分析相结合的浓香型白酒分类方法,为浓香型白酒的快速质量分类方法的开发提供了理论和数据支撑。
Baijiu is a complex system that is constitute of ethanol-water and trace amount of aroma compounds, and its quality is decided by the constitution and ratio of aroma compounds. In this study, electronic nose (e-nose) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to analysis the difference in 7 brands of strong-flavor Baijiu (SFB). The results showed that the sensors including S2, S6, S7 and S9 in e-nose presented excellent response signals for different brands of SFB. Based on signals of e-nose, comparison between principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis was conducted. The results suggested that PCA could gave clear classification between different brand of SFB. GC-MS analysis showed that obvious discrimination was determined in different brands of SFB, and samples that clustered together in PCA plot had similar volatile profiles. This study provided a comprehensive method employing e-nose, GC-MS and statistical analysis to classify different SFB, and it also provided theoretical and data reference for the development of fast classification method for SFB.
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