为探明稳定剂对红葡萄酒稳定性的影响,以80 mg/L的偏酒石酸(metatartaric acid, MTA)和空白为对照(CK),以2017年赤霞珠葡萄酒为酒样,选用聚天冬氨酸钾(potassium polyaspartate,KPA)、羧甲基纤维素钠(carboxylmethylcellulose,CMC)和阿拉伯树胶(gum arabic, GA)为稳定剂,以冷处理后电导率变化为判定酒石酸盐稳定的主要指标,研究3种稳定剂在不同质量浓度下的稳定效果。结果表明,KPA最佳质量浓度为150 mg/L,该处理电导率变化小,显著降低葡萄酒的浊度、改善色度(P<0.05),而80 mg/L MTA处理后电导率变化最小,但酒样浊度增加;高质量浓度CMC虽有一定稳定效果,但会显著增加浊度、降低色度,只有20 mg/L CMC处理后酒样稳定且浊度较低;GA最佳质量浓度为150 mg/L,该浓度可显著降低酒样电导率变化,对浊度、色度等的影响与CK差异不显著。总之,150 mg/L KPA在3种稳定剂中稳定效果最好。该研究结果为新型稳定剂KPA在葡萄酒中的应用提供了理论依据。
To explore the effects of stabilizers on the stability of red wine, blank 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon sample and 80 mg/L metatartaric acid (MTA) were treated as controls, and potassium polyaspartate (KPA), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and gum arabic (GA) were used as stabilizers. Their effects on the stability of tartrate at different concentrations were investigated by measuring the changes in wine conductivity after cold treatment. The results showed that the optimum concentration of KPA was 150 mg/L, and it had smaller effect than that of CK regarding conductivity change. Moreover, 150 mg/L KPA significantly reduced the turbidity and chromaticity of wine (P<0.05). Although 80 mg/L MTA had the smallest effect on conductivity change, it increased the turbidity of the wine. Moreover, high concentrations of CMC had certain stabilizing effects, but it significantly increased wine turbidity and reduced the chromaticity, only 20 mg/L CMC-treated wine was stable and had low turbidity. Furthermore, the optimal concentration of GA was 150 mg/L, which could significantly reduce the change in conductivity while having no significant effects on turbidity, chroma and tartaric acid. Overall, 150 mg/L KPA performed the best among the three stabilizers, which provides a theoretical basis for applying KPA in wine.
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