筛选能够降解废弃生活油脂的微生物,实现丹江口库区生活污水中废弃油脂的生物降解,减少生活油脂对库区水体的污染。以大豆油为目标污染物,先进行菌种富集和驯化,然后进行中性红平板筛选及生理生化鉴定。筛选获得了一株高效降解丹江口库区生活废弃油脂土著微生物,且具有较好的环境适应性和应用潜力。经鉴定,该微生物与Proteus mirabilis最为接近,命名为Proteus mirabilis NY-201801。5%(体积分数)油脂初始浓度,接种量10%,pH值7.0,在35 ℃、150 r/min下培养36 h,Proteus mirabilis NY-201801对油脂的降解率可以达到92%。同时,在库区最高水温的条件下,对5%油脂的降解率也可以达到50%。为实现库区废弃生活油脂的生物降解奠定了坚实的基础。
This study aimed to screen microorganisms that can biodegrade waste oil in domestic sewage of Danjiangkou reservoir to reduce the pollution of water body of the reservoir caused by oil. Soybean oil was taken as the target pollutant, the strain enrichment and domestication were carried out, followed by neutral red plate screening and physiological and biochemical identification. A native microorganism was screened, which was identified as Proteus mirabilis and named P. mirabilis NY-201801. When 5% (v/v) oil and 10% inoculum size were cultivated for 36 h at pH 7.0, 35 ℃ and 150 r/min, P. mirabilis NY-201801 could degrade 92% oil. Meanwhile, at the highest water temperature in the reservoir area, the degradation rate of 5% (v/v) oil could reach 50%. Therefore, a new type of efficient oil-degrading bacteria with good environmental adaptability and application potential was obtained, which lays a solid foundation for biodegradation of waste oil in reservoir area.
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