研究宰后成熟不同时间对扒鸡胴体指标的变化规律以及对扒鸡嫩度和保水性的影响,以4 ℃下成熟0~24 h的鸡胴体以及扒鸡为研究对象,测定其pH值、出品率、蒸煮损失率、加压失水率、水分含量、剪切力值、质构特性的变化规律。鸡胴体的pH值呈先下降后上升的趋势,蒸煮损失率和剪切力值、加压失水率则是先上升后下降,pH值与加压失水率呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。扒鸡经过宰后成熟,出品率得到提高;不同宰后成熟时间,扒鸡的pH值和加压失水率数值变化范围不大,水分含量在2~6 h比较大。鸡胴体经过宰后成熟,可以提高扒鸡出品率,改善鸡肉的嫩度和保水性。综合各项指标结果及工厂的经济效益考虑,确定扒鸡最适成熟程度为4 ℃下成熟2 h。
The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of postmortem aging on the changes in indexes of chicken carcass, tenderness and water-holding capacity of braised chicken to provide a reference for determining the postmortem ageing time of chicken carcasses suitable for braised chicken processing. The chicken carcasses of ageing 0-24 h at 4 ℃ and the braised chicken were used to investigate the changes in pH value, yield, cooking loss rate, pressing loss water rate, the moisture content, shear force and texture properties. The pH value of chicken carcass decreased first and then increased, while the cooking loss rate, shear force and the pressure loss rate first increased and then decreased. There was a significantly negative correlation (P<0.01) between the pH value and the pressure loss rate. After postmortem ageing, the yield of braised chicken improved. The pH value and the pressure loss rate of braised chicken varied little with different postmortem ageing time. The moisture content was larger at 2-6 h. After postmortem ageing of chicken carcass, the yield of braised chicken significantly increased and tenderness improved. Considering the results of indicators and economic benefits, it is determined that the optimum postmortem ageing is at 4 ℃ for 2 h.
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