

  • 马菲 ,
  • 郇延军 ,
  • 刁欣悦 ,
  • 刘丽
  • 江南大学 食品学院,江苏 无锡, 214122

网络出版日期: 2019-11-06

Optimization of preparation process of meat seasoned brine based on injection-rolling process

  • MA Fei ,
  • HUAN Yanjun ,
  • DIAO Xinyue ,
  • LIU Li
  • College of Food Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China

Online published: 2019-11-06


为缩短酱卤肉制品的酱制时间,改善产品质构,同时不影响产品的风味特征,对基于注射-滚揉工艺的酱卤肉制品风味料液的制备工艺进行优化。风味料液由卤制浓缩液和美拉德反应液按一定比例混合而成。以感官评分为响应值,对卤制浓缩液的浓缩程度、美拉德反应液的反应时间及两者混合比例进行优化。结果表明,最佳参数为卤制液浓缩程度为15%,美拉德反应液的反应时间为10 min,卤制浓缩液与美拉德反应液体积比为9∶2,在此条件下酱卤肉制品感官评分87.23,感官评分与理论预测值相比误差为1.34%。与传统酱制产品相比,使用风味料液的注射-滚揉工艺产品的质构评分及综合感官评分均有所提高,风味评分无差异。


马菲 , 郇延军 , 刁欣悦 , 刘丽 . 基于注射-滚揉工艺的酱卤肉制品风味料液制备工艺的优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(18) : 162 -167 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020357


In order to shorten the seasoning time of the soy sauce flavored seasoned meat products, and improve the texture of the product without affecting the flavor characteristics of the product, the preparation process of sauced meat flavor liquid based on the injection-rolling process was optimized. The seasoned brine was prepared from halogen concentrate and Maillard reaction liquid in a certain proportion. Based on the sensory score, the concentration degree of halogen concentrate, the reaction time of Maillard reaction, and the mixing ratio were optimized. The results showed that the optimal parameters were 15% of concentration degree, 10 min of reaction time, and 9∶2 of the halogen concentrate than the Maillard reaction solution. Under these conditions, the sensory score of the sauced meat products reached 87.23, with 1.34% relative error compared with theoretical prediction. In addition, the texture score and the comprehensive sensory score of products using injection-rolling technique were improved, and there was no significant difference in flavor scores compared to the traditional sauced products.


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