以代可可脂、无水奶油、乳化剂为油相,葡萄糖浆、酪朊酸钠、K2HPO4以及胶体为水相,采用微胶囊技术喷雾干燥制备搅打奶油粉。结果表明,最佳工艺配方为代可可脂35%(占总固形物的质量分数,下同)、无水奶油5%、分子蒸馏单甘酯2%、乳酸脂肪酸甘油酯5%、丙二醇脂肪酸酯0.6%、酪朊酸钠5%、K2HPO41%、琼脂0.2%、葡萄糖浆(以固形物计)46.2%,制备的奶油粉添加2倍冷水搅打3 min即可成搅打奶油,打发倍数达到3.3。按照搅打奶油粉24%,全脂粉30%,白砂糖45%,复配稳定剂1%制备成手打冰淇淋粉。制备的手工冰淇淋与市售产品比较,理化指标和感官品质方面表现均合格。对搅打奶油粉的配方及其应用进行了研究,极大提高了搅打奶油使用的方便性,扩展了其使用范围。
To break through the limitation of traditional cream that must be refrigerated,whipping cream powder was prepared by microencapsulation technology with spray drying. The cocoa butter substitute, dehydrated butter, and food emulsifiers were used as the core materials. Moreover, glucose syrup, sodium caseinate, dipotassium phosphate, and colloid were chosen as the wall materials. Results showed that the optimum prescription was 35% cocoa butter substitute (mass fraction of total solid, the same below), 5% dehydrated butter, 2% distilled molecular glyceride, 5% lactic and fatty acid esters of glycerol, 0.6% propylene glycol esters of fatty acid, 5% sodium caseinate, 1% dipotassium phosphate, 0.2% agar, and 46.2% glucose syrup. Whipping cream with expansion rate of 3.3 could be produced by whipping the powder for 3 minutes with double water. Furthermore, manual ice cream was prepared with 24% whipping cream powder, 30% whole milk powder, 45%white sugar, and 1%stabilizer blends. Compared with the commercial products, it was qualified in physicochemical and sensory indexes. The study of formulation and application of whipping cream powder greatly improves the convenience of whipping cream and expands its application.
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