The paper aims to study the effects of extrusion processing wheat bran on the dough and steamed bread of whole wheat flour. The effects of adding extruded wheat bran versus non-extruded wheat bran of different proportions and different grain sizes on dough properties and steamed bread characters were determined and analyzed in this study. The results showed that increasing of wheat bran content improved dough fermentation height and gas production gradually, and had no significance on gas holding capacity. However, the gas holding capacity of extruded wheat bran was higher than that of the control, especially when the wheat bran addition was 5%. The lightness, specific volume and sensory score of steamed bread were gradually reduced with the increasing of wheat bran proportion, while these properties of extruded bran steamed bread was superior to the control. When the amount of bran added was 5%, the fermentation height and gas holding capacity of the dough were increased significantly with the decrease of bran grain size, thus increased the lightness, specific volume and height-diameter ratio of steamed bread. In summary, the extrusion treatment improved the quality of the dough to a certain extent, the performance indexes of the whole wheat dough and steamed bread were in an optimal state when the amount of bran added was 5%.
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