以暗纹东方鲀为研究对象,实验研究了微冻(-3 ℃)、冰温(-1 ℃)、冷藏(4 ℃)、10 ℃和15 ℃条件下鱼肌肉中水分迁移、质构(texture profile analysis,TPA)和色泽的变化规律,以及水分迁移对鱼肉质构和色泽的影响,同时,构建了货架期预测模型。研究结果显示,不同贮藏温度下鱼肉的结合水、不易流动水和自由水的相对含量(pT21,pT22,pT23)随贮藏时间分别呈上升、上升后下降和下降后上升的变化趋势,鱼肌肉中结合水和自由水的弛豫时间(T21,T23)波动上升,T22对应的不易流动水先上升后下降。总体上,不同温度贮藏组的不易流动水随着贮藏时间向自由水的迁移均较明显。不同温度组pT21和T21对应的结合水对鱼肉的弹性、硬度和白度有较大影响。相关性拟合结果显示菌落总数(total viable count,TVC)、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen,TVB-N)与感官评分的相关性最高(|r|> 0.95,R2> 0.90),并以此建立了货架期预测模型;验证结果表明,结合Arrhenius方程构建的TVC和TVB-N的时间-温度-品质的动力学模型能较准确地预测-3~15 ℃贮藏暗纹东方鲀的货架期。
The effects of micro-frozen (-3 ℃), ice temperature (-1 ℃), cold storage (4 ℃), 10 and 15 ℃ on the moisture migration of Takifugu obscures were analyzed. And the texture and color were also explored. The changes were investigated to study the effects of moisture migration on fish texture and color. Furthermore, the shelf-life prediction models were established. The results showed that the relative contents of immobilized water, non-flowing water and free water (pT21, pT22, pT23) of fish meat followed the trends that increased, first increased then decreased and increased after decreased at different storage temperatures, respectively. The relaxation time of immobilized water and free water (T21, T23) fluctuated increased while relaxation time of non-flowing water (T22) increased first then decreased in fish muscles. In general, the migration of non-mobile water to free water was evident in different temperature storage groups. Combined water content (pT21) and water activity (T21) had a great effect on the hardness, elasticity and whiteness of fish. According to the correlation linear fitting analysis, the correlation of TVB-N, TVC with sensory scores were the highest and selected as to build the shelf-life model (|r|> 0.95, R2> 0.90). Fitting analysis results showed that the time-temperature-quality kinetic model of TVC and TVB-N based on Arrhenius equation could accurately predict the shelf life of Takifugu obscurus at the range of -3~15 ℃.
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