

  • 王容 ,
  • 赵良忠 ,
  • 李明 ,
  • 孙孟京 ,
  • 谢春平 ,
  • 邓雅欣 ,
  • 欧红艳
  • 1(邵阳学院 食品与化学工程学院,湖南 邵阳,422000)
    2(豆制品加工技术湖南省应用基础研究基地,湖南 邵阳,422000)
    3(湖南省果蔬清洁加工工程技术研究中心,湖南 邵阳,422000)
    4(广州佳明食品科技有限公司,广东 广州,510000)

收稿日期: 2019-09-09

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-27



Study on the quality change and fermentation kinetics of rice sour soup during fermentation

  • WANG Rong ,
  • ZHAO Liangzhong ,
  • LI Ming ,
  • SUN Mengjing ,
  • XIE Chunping ,
  • DENG Yaxin ,
  • OU HongYan
  • 1(College of Food Science and Chemical Engineering,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422000,China)
    2(Soybean Processing Techniques of the Application and Basic Research Base in Hunan Province,Shaoyang 422000,China)
    3(Hunan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Fruits and Vegetables Cleaning Processing,Shaoyang 422000,China)
    4(Guangzhou Jiaming Food Technology Co, Ltd., Guangzhou 510000,China)

Received date: 2019-09-09

  Online published: 2020-03-27


以大米、糯米为主要原料,鼠李糖乳杆菌、玉米乳杆菌、植物乳杆菌3株乳酸菌按1:1:1接种发酵,并对米酸汤在发酵过程中有机酸、蛋白质、黏度、pH与感官评分的变化进行研究;测定发酵过程中菌体含量、总酸含量、残糖含量的变化,利用Origin 9软件分析拟合,建立了菌体生长、底物消耗及产物生成动力学模型,用Spss 22进行模型相关性分析。感官评分与乳酸、苹果酸、酒石酸呈极显著正相关关系(r为0.983、0.914、0.796),感官评分与蛋白质、黏度和pH值呈极显著负相关关系(r为-0.983、-0.987、-0.741),米酸汤在发酵过程中品质指标间有着非常复杂的联系。在P<0.01水平上,菌体生长动力学模型Pearson相关性为0.998**;乳酸生成动力学模型Pearson相关性为0.999**;残糖消耗动力学模型Pearson相关性为0.992**。结果显示3个模型均较好地反应了米酸汤发酵过程中物质的变化规律,对生产反应器设计、米酸汤发酵过程控制具有指导意义。


王容 , 赵良忠 , 李明 , 孙孟京 , 谢春平 , 邓雅欣 , 欧红艳 . 米酸汤在发酵过程中品质变化及发酵动力学研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(1) : 82 -90 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022222


Using rice and glutinous rice as the main raw materials, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. maize and L. plantarum (1:1:1) as the fermentation bacteria, sensory changes during the fermentation of rice sour soup were studied. The sensory evaluation included organic acid content, protein content, viscosity, pH, and sensory score. The content changes of the bacteria, total acid and residual sugar were determined during fermentation. The kinetics models of bacterial growth, substrate consumption and product formation were established using origin 9.0 software, and the model correlation was analyzed by SPSS 22. Sensory score was positively correlated with lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (r was 0.983, 0.914 and 0.796, respectively). Sensory score was negatively correlated with protein, viscosity and pH value (r was -0.983, -0.987 and -0.741, respectively), There was a very complex relationship between the quality indexes of rice soup during fermentation. At the level of P<0.01, the Pearson correlation of dynamics model of bacterial growth was 0.998**, the Pearson correlation of kinetic model of lactic acid formation was 0.999**, and the Pearson correlation of kinetic model of residual sugar consumption was 0.992**. The three models all reflected the change rule of substances in the fermentation process of rice soup, which had a guiding significance for the design of production reactor and the control of the fermentation process of rice soup.


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