为提高自发气调包装(spontaneous control modified atmosphere packaging,SMAP)保鲜效果,采用化学改性方法制备高气体透过性及二氧化碳/氧气(CO2/O2)选择性的可降解聚乳酸嵌段物(PLGLxG20),制备薄膜并用于樱桃番茄的低温SMAP包装,通过对包装内气体浓度、果实的感官品质、营养成分等分析考察薄膜的保鲜效果。结果显示,储藏初期CO2浓度迅速升高,O2浓度迅速降低,约5 d后包装内的气体达到平衡,其CO2浓度随着PLGLxG20的CO2透过系数的增大呈阶梯型减小,薄膜表现出对内部气体的控制能力。与无包装和聚乳酸包装组相比,PLGLxG20包装内维持了相对低O2高CO2的气体环境,其中PLGL35G20包装在6 d后达到较适宜番茄保鲜的体积分数为3%~5%CO2和3%~4%O2平衡浓度,抑制了强烈的有氧呼吸,果实在20 d内维持了较好的感官品质和营养成分。该研究表明,PLGLxG20薄膜对果蔬具有良好的保鲜效果,对拓宽可降解材料在食品包装中应用具有一定意义。
In order to improve the fresh-keeping effect of spontaneous control modified atmosphere packaging (SMAP), the poly (latic acid) copolymers (PLGLxG20) with high CO2/O2 permselectivity were synthesized for SMAP of cherry tomato in cold storage. The gas composition, sensory quality and nutrient content were determined to evaluate the film quality. The result showed that the concentration of CO2 increased rapidly, while the concentration of O2 decreased dramatically at the beginning of storage and reached balance after 5-day storage. The CO2 concentration showed a stepwise decrease with the increase of CO2 transmission coefficient of PLGLxG20, indicating a good capacity of film to control the internal atmosphere. Compared with no package and poly (latic acid) package groups, the copolymer film kept a relatively low O2 and high CO2 level. Moreover, the inner atmosphere reached a steady-state with CO2 concentration of 3%-5% and O2 of 3%-4% on the 6th day, which inhibited intense aerobic breathing, and the cherry tomato kept good sensory quality and nutrition constituent within 20 days. In conclusion, PLGLxG20 film presents good fresh-keeping effect on fruits and vegetables, which is of great significance for the application of degradable materials in food packaging.
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