

  • 金鹭 ,
  • 陈传君 ,
  • 林华 ,
  • 胡滨 ,
  • 韩国全 ,
  • 陈世界 ,
  • 张婧 ,
  • 安微 ,
  • 杨苗
  • 1 (四川农业大学 食品学院,四川 雅安,625000)
    2 (成都海关,四川 成都,61000)
    3 (食品安全检测四川省重点实验室,四川 成都,61000)

收稿日期: 2019-11-01

  网络出版日期: 2020-05-20



Accurate quantification of mutton in meat products by real-time quantitative PCR

  • JIN Lu ,
  • CHEN Chuanjun ,
  • LIN Hua ,
  • HU Bin ,
  • HAN Guoquan ,
  • CHEN Shijie ,
  • ZHANG Jing ,
  • AN Wei ,
  • YANG Miao
  • 1 (College of Food, Sichuan Agriculture University, Ya'an 625000, China)
    2 (Chengdu Customs, Chengdu 61000, China)
    3 (Food Safety Detection Key Laboratory of Sichuan,Chengdu 61000, China)

Received date: 2019-11-01

  Online published: 2020-05-20


该研究将实时荧光定量PCR技术(real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR,rPCR)与微滴式数字PCR技术(micro-droplet digital PCR,ddPCR)相结合,利用ddPCR建立拷贝数和羊肉质量的函数关系,确立了基于rPCR定量检测羊肉含量的方法。特异性实验结果表明,除绵羊和山羊外,非目标物种DNA未出现特异性扩增;灵敏度实验结果表明,该方法的最低检出限为0.01 ng/μL;通过对已知成分的混合样品和市售样品的检测表明,该方法能够对含量在5%以上的羊肉进行准确定量。因此,该方法在肉制品中羊肉含量检测和掺假鉴别方面具有较好应用潜力。


金鹭 , 陈传君 , 林华 , 胡滨 , 韩国全 , 陈世界 , 张婧 , 安微 , 杨苗 . 基于实时荧光PCR对肉制品中羊肉的精确定量[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(8) : 246 -253 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022678


In order to accurately quantify the content of mutton in meat products, this study established the functional relationship between copy number and mutton weight by using micro-droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). And a quantitative detection method of mutton content based on real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (rPCR) were also developed. The result of specific experiment showed that the DNA of sheep and goat could be specifically amplified and the detection limit was 0.01 ng/μL. For the mixed samples and the commercial samples, this method could precisely quantify more than 5% of mutton contents in meat products. This method has a potential application in the detection of mutton content in meat products.


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