13 samples of Strong-flavor Baijiu raw liquor were analyzed by sensory evaluation method, and the samples were divided into 3 categories according to the level of different soft-sweet. By comparing the flavor compounds composition of the samples, it can be concluded that the flavor compounds of lactic acid and ethyl lactate are relatively high in the category A liquor samples with the most soft-sweet flavor. The ethyl lactate to ethyl hexanoate ratio was stably between 1.2 and 1.5, the ethyl acetate to ethyl lactate ratio was stably below 1.0, the acid to ethyl ratio was stable around 0.6, and the alcohol to ethyl ratio was controlled between 0.15 and 0.20. Multiple linear regression equation was used to establish the index model of soft-sweet’s sense in Strong-flavor Baijiu, in which the ethyl lactate to ethyl hexanoate ratio and the acid to ethyl ratio had a positive effect on the sense of soft-sweet in liquor, and the higher ratio had a positive effect on the improvement of soft- sweet’s level in liquor within limits.
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