以去皮核桃仁、辣木叶为原料,利用发酵技术提取辣木有机钙,开发一款富含辣木有机钙的核桃乳饮料,并在单因素实验的基础上,通过响应面法优化辣木高钙核桃乳加工工艺配方。研究结果表明,255 g核桃仁经碱法去皮,浸泡,打浆(每千克核桃仁胶体磨磨浆1 min,料液比1∶1(g∶mL)打浆),磨浆(料液比1∶3(g∶mL)砂轮磨浆),过滤(200 目),调配(辣木高钙粉40 g/kg,白砂糖42 g/kg,NaHCO3调节pH至7.6~7.8,香兰素0.15 g/kg),预热(50~60 ℃),均质(1次均质20~25 MPa,2次均质35~40 MPa),真空脱气,灌装,灭菌(121 ℃,15 min)后,得到辣木高钙核桃乳;其中单硬脂酸甘油酯和蔗糖脂肪酸酯(质量比7∶3)复合乳化剂的质量浓度为1.0 g/L,果胶和海藻酸钠(质量比4∶6)复合稳定剂添加量为总体积的0.15%;以此工艺制备的辣木高钙核桃乳风味浓郁、稳定性较高,有机钙含量高于120 g/100 mL。此研究可为核桃新产品开发提供技术支撑。
To develop a walnut milk beverage enriched with organic calcium, peeled walnut and Moringa oleifera leaf were fermented to extract organic calcium, and on the basis of single factor experiment, the processing technology was optimized by response surface methodology. The optimal technological process was peeling, soaking, beating with solid-liquid ratio of 1∶1 (1min for 1 kg walnut colloid mill), milling with solid-liquid ratio of 1∶3 (grinding wheel), filtering (200 mesh), blending (Moringa oleifera calcium powder of 40 g/kg, sucrose of 42 g/kg, vanillin of 0.15 g/kg, pH 7.6-7.8), preheating (50-60 ℃), homogenizing (primary homogenization of 20-25 MPa, secondary homogenization of 35-40 MPa), vacuum degassing, filling and sterilization (121 ℃, 15 min). Besides, the optimum addition of glycerol monostearate and sucrose fatty acid ester mixture (mass ratio of 7∶3) was 0.1% (volume fraction), and the addition of pectin and sodium alginate mixture (mass ratio of 4∶6) was 0.15% (volume fraction). The high-calcium walnut milk had unique flavor and high stability, with organic calcium content over 120 g/100 mL. The study provides a technical support for the development of new walnut products.
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