为探究油麦菜清香风味的化学成分及温度对其风味物质的影响,该研究采用顶空固相微萃取(headspace solid phase micro-extraction,HS-SPME)结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)鉴定油麦菜的挥发性香气成分,并模拟2种常见的销售贮藏温度条件,研究油麦菜采后香气成分的动态变化。结果表明,油麦菜中挥发性香气成分包括9种醛类、3种醇类、1种酮类、1种酸类,以醛、醇类化合物为主;结合香气活性值(OAV)与绝对含量分析,青叶醛、叶醇、反,反-2,4-庚二烯醛等7种物质是油麦菜的主要特征香气成分,构成了油麦菜的清香、草香、蔬菜香等;油麦菜采后24 h内,冷藏(4 ℃)和常温(24 ℃)贮藏条件下主要香气成分种类未发生变化,但各成分含量变化较大,常温条件下香气成分总量显著上升(P<0.05),而低温条件下香气成分总量显著下降(P<0.05)。冷藏有助于减缓油麦菜香气的释放,常温贮藏有助于油麦菜香气的合成和释放,这将对叶类蔬菜的香气研究及油麦菜的保鲜有重要参考意义。
In order to explore the influences of chemical composition and temperature on the flavor of leaf-used lettuce, headspace solid-phase micro-extraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify the volatile aroma components and the dynamic changes of aroma components at two kinds of common storage temperature. The results showed that there were nine kinds of aldehydes, three kinds of alcohol, one kind of ketone and one kind of acid in leaf-used lettuce aroma components, among which aldehydes and alcohols were predominant. Combined with the analysis of aroma activity value (OAV) and absolute content, the results showed that seven kinds of substances, such as leaf aldehyde, leaf alcohol and trans, trans-2,4-heptadienaldehyde were the main characteristic aroma components of the leaf-used lettuce, which constituted the fragrance of grass and vegetable flavor. There were no changes in the types of main aroma components of leaf-used lettuce under the conditions of cold storage (4 ℃) and normal temperature (24 ℃) within 24 hours after harvested. However, the content of each component changed greatly; the total amount of aroma components increased significantly at room temperature (P<0.05) while decreased significantly at low temperature (P<0.05). It is concluded that cold storage is helpful to slow down the release of the aroma of leaf-used lettuce, and normal temperature storage is helpful to the synthesis and release of the aroma. This conclusion would be of great significance to the study of aroma of fresh-cut vegetables and the preservation of leaf-used lettuce.
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