

  • 魏雯丽 ,
  • 宫尾茂雄 ,
  • 吴正云 ,
  • 张文学
  • 1(四川大学 轻工科学与工程学院,四川 成都,610065)
    2(四川大学锦江学院 白酒学院,四川 眉山,620860)
    3(东京家政大学 家政学部,日本 东京,173-8602)

收稿日期: 2020-02-03

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-10



Analysis of active microbial community structure changes in industrial cowpea pickle fermentation based on meta-transcriptomics technology

  • WEI Wenli ,
  • MIYAO Shigeo ,
  • WU Zhengyun ,
  • ZHANG Wenxue
  • 1(College of Biomass Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)
    2(School of Liquor-making Engineering, Sichuan University Jinjiang College, Meishan 620860, China)
    3(Department of Home Economics, Tokyo Kasei University, Tokyo 173-8602, Japan)

Received date: 2020-02-03

  Online published: 2020-03-10




魏雯丽 , 宫尾茂雄 , 吴正云 , 张文学 . 基于宏转录组学技术解析工业豇豆泡菜发酵过程中活性微生物群落结构变化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(10) : 60 -65 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023497


In this study, meta-transcriptomics technology was used to analyze the active microbial community structure during industrial cowpea pickle fermentation and functional gene annotation was performed as well. The results showed that Lactobacillus, Starmerella, Pediococcus, Weissella, Millerozyma and Sugiyamaella were the main active microbial genera in industrial cowpea pickle fermentation process. Among them, Lactobacillus predominated the initial and middle stages of fermentation, followed by gradually decrease of its relative abundance and the increase of Starmerella along with the fermentation. Starmerella became the absolutely dominant active genus in the later stage of fermentation. In the aspect of KEGG function annotation, overall, the highest amount of gene expression was related to metabolism in the fermentation process, mainly the carbohydrate metabolism. This study revealed the composition of the active microflora that really played roles in the fermentation process of industrial cowpea pickle, which provided a theoretical basis for the analysis of the fermentation mechanism and the control of the fermentation process.


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