“曲乃酒之骨”,好酒必有好曲。为了提高酒曲的质量,该文用不同粮食(大米、糯米、玉米、小麦和高粱)制曲,并对这5种粮食曲的理化指标、挥发性成分进行测定和分析,最后利用高通量测序技术分析不同粮食曲的微生物群落结构,并结合理化指标利用SPSS 20.0对其进行了相关性分析。结果显示,在5种粮食曲中,大米曲的糖化力和发酵力最高,分别为180.9 U/g和0.86 g/(g·36 h),小麦曲的酯化力为26.4 mg/ (g·100 h),并且要显著高于(P<0.05)其他4种曲;在曲的风味物质中,大米曲的酯类化合物种类最多,有10种,而小麦曲的芳香类化合物种类最多,有8种;此外,在微生物群落结构中,嗜热子囊菌属(Thermoascus)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)在5种曲中所占比例较高。相关性分析结果表明,糖化力和发酵力与真菌中的嗜热子囊菌属(Thermoascus)有一定的相关性,酯化力和细菌中的芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)有一定的相关性。研究发现,大米制曲的效果要优于其余4种粮食。
Daqu plays a key role in the production of Baijiu. To improve the quality of Baijiu, the physicochemical properties and volatile ingredients of Daqu made from different grains (rice, glutinous rice, corn, wheat and sorghum) were characterized. The high-throughput sequencing technology was employed to analyze the structure of microbial community. The correlation analysis between microbial community structure and physicochemical properties of Daqu was performed using SPSS 20.0. The results showed that the Daqu made from rice had the highest saccharification capacity (180.9 U/g) and fermentation capacity (0.86 g/(g·36 h)). Daqu made from wheat, had the highest esterification capacity of 26.4 mg/ (g·100 h), which was significantly higher than those of the others (P <0.05)). Ten ester compounds were found in the Daqu made from rice and eight aromatic compounds in the Daqu made from wheat, accounted for the most flavor compounds in different Daqu respectively. The dominant bacterial genera were Thermoascus and Bacillus in all kinds of Daqu. The results of correlation analysis suggested that the saccharification and fermentation capacity correlated with the Thermoascus, and the esterification capacity correlated with the Bacillus. Overall, the Daqu made from rice showed better properties than others.
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