

  • 谭天仪 ,
  • 李璟 ,
  • 夏锐 ,
  • 李梦飒 ,
  • 叶发银 ,
  • 赵国华 ,
  • 朱海妮
  • 1 (西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715)
    2 (食品科学与工程国家级实验教学示范中心(西南大学),重庆,400715)

收稿日期: 2019-09-10

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-13



Preparation of ultrafine okara and its characteristics as a stabilizerfor Pickering emulsion

  • TAN Tianyi ,
  • LI Jing ,
  • XIA Rui ,
  • LI Mengsa ,
  • YE Fayin ,
  • ZHAO Guohua ,
  • ZHU Haini
  • 1 (College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China)
    2 (National DemonstrationCenter for Experimental Food Science and Technology Education (Southwest University), Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2019-09-10

  Online published: 2020-03-13


将普通粉碎豆渣进行湿法超细化处理,研究超细化豆渣作为皮克林乳液稳定剂的特性,考察颗粒浓度、油相体积分数、pH及离子强度对乳液液滴尺寸、稳定性和流变学性质的影响。研究发现,超细化提升了豆渣颗粒的悬浮稳定性,且当油相分数φ=0.6,水相中豆渣颗粒质量分数≥0.4%时,形成皮克林乳液的粒径为80~140 μm,在1~30 d存放期内乳析指数未发生显著变化。水相pH=7时乳液的粒径最大,pH降低时乳液的平均粒径呈单调递减,且乳液稳定性增强。水相中NaCl浓度在100~350 mmol/L对乳液粒径无显著影响。研究还表明,超细化豆渣稳定的皮克林乳液为剪切变稀型流体,其流变学特性受颗粒添加量及水相pH的影响。此研究表明,超细化豆渣具有良好稳定O/W型皮克林乳液的能力。


谭天仪 , 李璟 , 夏锐 , 李梦飒 , 叶发银 , 赵国华 , 朱海妮 . 超细化豆渣作为皮克林乳液稳定剂的特性研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(2) : 47 -54 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022240


The conventional pulverized okara powders were subjected to a wet-mill process to obtain ultrafine particulates. Pickering emulsion-stabilizing properties of ultrafine okara have been investigated in systems containing purified corn oil and aqueous solution at varying concentration of okara particulates, pH and ionic strengths. The effect of oil phase volume fraction, pH and sodium chloride concentration on the droplet size, stability and rheological properties of the obtained emulsion were evaluated. The results manifested that ultrafine grinding improved the suspension stability of okara particulates. Pickering emulsions with the mean droplet size of 80-140 μm were made when the oil phase volume fraction φ=0.6 and the mass percentage of ultrafine okara in aqueous phase ≥0.4%, and the creaming index of the emulsion did not change significantly during the storage period of 1-30 d. The droplet size of emulsion was the largest when the pH of aqueous phase was 7. However, the droplet size decreased monotonically as the pH value decreased and the stability of emulsion was enhanced in more acidic conditions. Sodium chloride concentration in aqueous phase in the range of 100-350 mmol/L has no significant effect on the mean droplet size of the emulsion. The results also showed that the okara ultra-fine particulate-stabilized Pickering emulsion possessed shear-thinning character. Its rheological properties were affected by the mass percentage of ultrafine okara in aqueous phase and the pH values. Our outcomes indicated the great potential of ultrafine okara as a natural food particle to stabilize oil-in-water Pickering emulsions.


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