

  • 孙雨欣 ,
  • 毛水芳 ,
  • 陈银宁 ,
  • 丁喆 ,
  • 李雨潼 ,
  • 夏玺越 ,
  • 程浩 ,
  • 冯思敏
  • (浙江工业大学 食品科学与工程系,浙江 杭州,310014)

收稿日期: 2019-08-08

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-13



Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the separation, physical properties of mucilage from Brasenia schreberi

  • SUN Yuxin ,
  • MAO Shuifang ,
  • CHEN Yinning ,
  • DING Zhe ,
  • LI Yutong ,
  • XIA Xiyue ,
  • CHENG Hao ,
  • FENG Simin
  • (Department of Food Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China)

Received date: 2019-08-08

  Online published: 2020-03-13


该文以不同物理方法提取的莼菜体外胶为主原料,探讨体外胶本身的物理性能以及生物学特性。结合超声处理研究莼菜体外胶质构性、流变特性、化学物质含量以及抑制酶活性情况,采用GC-MS测定体外胶多糖的单糖组成。结果表明,当超声能量密度为4 800 J/g时,体外胶的分离率最高为(78.97±3.83)%。经超声处理后的体外胶的黏度显著降低,在高扫描频率下超声处理会显著增加体外胶的损耗模量(G″),从而增加它的黏性。体外胶含有丰富的总糖(524.4~552.8 mg/g)和总多酚(208.3~228.5 mg GAE/g),并具有α-葡萄糖苷酶和α-淀粉酶抑制活性。GC-MS分析结果表明,体外胶多糖含有较高含量的半乳糖(41.79%)和木糖(18.72%),且含有较少含量的甘露糖(4.29%),鼠李糖(7.13%),阿拉伯糖(1.02%)和葡萄糖(4.55%)。超声处理不仅会降低体外胶的硬度、弹性、内聚性和黏附性,还有助于体外胶的分离,可以很好地保持体外胶的植物化学物质、抗氧化活性、降血糖活性。


孙雨欣 , 毛水芳 , 陈银宁 , 丁喆 , 李雨潼 , 夏玺越 , 程浩 , 冯思敏 . 莼菜体外胶的分离及其体外功能活性研究[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(2) : 55 -60 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021944


The effect of several physical methods on the separation rate of mucilage gel from Brasenia schreberi was investigated. In addition, the effects of ultrasound treatment on the texture characteristics, rheological properties, chemical content and inhibitory enzyme activity of mucilage gel in different drying methods were also investigated. The monosaccharide composition of mucilage gel polysaccharide was determined by GC-MS. The highest yield ( (78.97±3.83)%) of mucilage gel was obtained by ultrasound treatment with an energy density of 4 800 J/g. The viscosity of ultrasound-treated mucilage gel samples decreased significantly and exhibited near-Newtonian flow behaviour. Furthermore, the ultrasound treatment at high scanning frequency significantly increased the loss modulus (G & quot;) of the mucilage gel, and increased its viscosity. The mucilage gel contained a high content of total carbohydrate (524.4-552.8 mg/g) and polyphenols (208.3-228.5 mg GAE/g). Mucilage gel also had a certain inhibitory effect on α-glucosidase and α-amylase activity. The monosaccharide composition of mucilage gel polysaccharide was rich in galactose (41.79%) and xylose (18.72%), while mannose (4.29%), rhamnose (7.13%), arabinose (1.02%), glucose (4.55%) were also identified as minor monosaccharide. Therefore, ultrasound treatment contributed to the separation of mucilage gel and could remarkably change the physical properties of gel, while kindly preserved photochemicals and their bioactivities.


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