

  • 柴鹏飞 ,
  • 李林洁 ,
  • 刘静 ,
  • 赵方圆 ,
  • 宋佳 ,
  • 郑宇 ,
  • 石磊 ,
  • 万守朋 ,
  • 王敏
  • 1 (天津市微生物代谢与发酵过程控制技术工程中心,天津科技大学 生物工程学院,天津,300457)
    2 (国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作天津中心,天津,300304)
    3 (天津市利民调料有限公司,天津,300308)

收稿日期: 2019-07-04

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-13



Analyzing and evaluating the flavor quality of concentrated apple juice based on the method of cluster analysis

  • CHAI Pengfei ,
  • LI Linjie ,
  • LIU Jing ,
  • ZHAO Fangyuan ,
  • SONG Jia ,
  • ZHENG Yu ,
  • SHI Lei ,
  • WAN Shoupeng ,
  • WANG Min
  • 1 (Tianjin Engineering Research Center of Microbial Metabolism and Fermentation Process Control, College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China)
    2 (Patent Examination Cooperation (Tianjin) Center of the Patent Office, Tianjin 300304, China)
    3 (Tianjin Limin Seasoning Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300308, China)

Received date: 2019-07-04

  Online published: 2020-03-13




柴鹏飞 , 李林洁 , 刘静 , 赵方圆 , 宋佳 , 郑宇 , 石磊 , 万守朋 , 王敏 . 基于聚类分析的浓缩苹果汁风味品质分析与评价[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(2) : 94 -101 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021551


Concentrated apple juice is an important raw material in the food industry. An objective evaluation method for flavor quality of concentrated apple juice is a favor for the producer to adjust the production process, which is established by analyzing the main flavor substances of concentrated apple juice. Samples of concentrated apple juice with good flavor or poor flavor were selected. The main flavor substances were analyzed, including volatile flavor substances, organic acids, amino acids and sugars. Methods of principal component analysis, comprehensive scores analysis and cluster analysis were performed to select the key flavor compounds that could be used to distinguish the concentrated apple juices with different flavor quality. The main flavor compounds of 12 batches of concentrated apple juice from the same plant were compared, including 39 volatile flavor substances, 14 amino acids, 6 organic acids and 4 sugars. According to the result of comprehensive scores analysis, 5 key flavor substances, including aspartic acid, serine, methionine, fructose and glucose, were selected from the 29 combinations. The verification experiment was performed by using 8 batches of concentrated apple juice samples from different years. The results showed that the 5 key flavor substances could be used to effectively distinguish between A and B concentrated apple juices. The selected 5 key flavor substances could be used to objectively and accurately discriminate the flavor quality of concentrated apple juice.


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