该文以酿酒酵母F33和F9单独发酵为对照,分别添加不同比例的F33和F9(1∶1、1∶2和2∶1)混合发酵酿制赤霞珠干红葡萄酒,测定总糖、可滴定酸、pH值、还原糖、挥发酸、酒精度、颜色和抗氧化特性及进行灰色关联度分析,并运用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术分析不同酵母菌发酵对酒风味物质的影响,选出最适的混合比例。结果表明,混菌发酵的干红葡萄酒理化指标均符合国家标准。酒精发酵过程中,混菌启动发酵的速率比单菌种快,显著降低总糖含量。与单一发酵相比,混菌发酵能够增加酒体的可滴定酸含量、CLELAB参数b*值和H*值及聚合花色苷含量,降低还原糖含量,且混菌发酵的葡萄酒抗氧化特性显著高于F9单独发酵处理。不同处理间酒体理化指标加权关联度排名依次为F33单一发酵(0.462) & gt;F33∶F9=1∶2混合发酵(0.404) & gt; F33∶F9=1∶1混合发酵(0.379) & gt;F9单一发酵(0.368) & gt; F33∶F9=2∶1混合发酵(0.337)。此外,混菌发酵可以提高酒体中酯类、醇类和酸类等物质的相对含量,且独有的香气物质可达6种。综合考虑葡萄酒理化指标和香气组分,当菌株F33与F9的混合比例为1∶2时,葡萄酒中还原糖和挥发酸均有所降低,酒精度有所提高,香气物质种类最多,缩短陈酿时间。
Using commercial yeast strains F33 and F9 sole fermentation as the two control groups, the Cabernet Sauvignon dry red wines were produced by mixed fermentation of F33 and F9 with different proportions (1∶1, 1∶2 and 2∶1). The total sugar, titrable acid, pH values, reducing sugar, volatile acid, alcohol content, hue, and antioxidant properties were determined and made analysis of Grey Related Degree in order to optimize the proportion. The flavor substances of wine were also measured by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that the dry red wine produced by mixed fermentation met the national standard. The alcohol fermentation was started earlier in mixed fermentation than in sole fermentation. Compared with single species fermentation, mixed fermentation could increase titrable acid content, CIELAB parameter b* and H* value, polymeric anthocyanin content and reduce reducing sugar content. Moreover, the antioxidant property of mixed fermentation is significantly higher than that of F9 fermentation. The rank of the weighted correlation degree of physicochemical indicators among different treatments was F33 fermentation (0.462) & gt;F33∶F9=1∶2 mixed fermentation (0.404) & gt;F33∶F9= 1∶1 mixed fermentation (0.379) & gt;F9 fermentation (0.368) & gt;F33∶F9=2∶1 mixed fermentation (0.337). Additionally, mixed fermentation could increase the relative content of esters, alcohols, acids and other substances in winey and its unique aroma substances could be up to 6 kinds. Generally, the optimal ratio of yeast F33 and F9 was 1∶2, which could decrease reducing sugars and volatile acids, increased alcohol content and aroma substances and shortened the aging time.
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