

  • 卢君 ,
  • 唐平 ,
  • 山其木格 ,
  • 王丽 ,
  • 王凡 ,
  • 孟天毅 ,
  • 梁青松 ,
  • 张乐 ,
  • 李长文
  • 1 (贵州国台酒业股份有限公司,贵州 仁怀,564501)
    2 (天士力控股集团有限公司研究院,天津,300400)

收稿日期: 2019-08-07

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-13



Effects of different cellar sealing methods on brewing process of Maotai-flavor Baijiu

  • LU Jun ,
  • TANG Ping ,
  • SHAN Qimuge ,
  • WANG Li ,
  • WANG Fan ,
  • MENG Tianyi ,
  • LIANG Qingsong ,
  • ZHANG Le ,
  • LI Changwen
  • 1 (Guizhou Guotai Distillery Co. Ltd., Renhuai 564501, China)
    2 (Tasly Research Academy, Tianjin 300400, China)

Received date: 2019-08-07

  Online published: 2020-03-13


为了探明酱香型白酒生产工艺中封窖泥的作用,该研究在酱香白酒窖内发酵过程的封窖步骤,分别采用使用窖泥和不使用窖泥这两种方式进行酿酒实验。结果表明,不同封窖方式(“无窖泥/有窖泥”)窖内发酵过程温度变化趋势、出窖糟醅的水分、淀粉含量、酸度、还原糖含量、窖面基酒产量和整个窖池的基酒产量均非常接近。“无窖泥”实验窖的窖面基酒相比于“有窖泥”对照窖的窖面基酒在酒体的干净度上得分更高,然而在酱香和酒体醇厚度方面则得分较低;在后味和曲香两个特征的得分比较接近。但两种方式酿造的窖面基酒质量均为合格。利用PLS-DA 模型分析,初步确定出了10种风味物质作为质量差异成因的关键因子。综上所述,酱香型白酒生产工艺中封窖泥对于发酵进程、糟醅理化指标和基酒产量均影响不大;对于窖面酒风格质量的形成具有重要贡献作用。最后,该文根据酱香白酒企业的实际生产需求,提出了关于封窖泥的质量管理建议。


卢君 , 唐平 , 山其木格 , 王丽 , 王凡 , 孟天毅 , 梁青松 , 张乐 , 李长文 . 不同封窖方式对酱香白酒基础酿造的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(2) : 203 -207 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021922


In order to explore the role of mud used to seal pits in the production process of Maotai-flavor Baijiu, the liquor-making experiments were carried out by using pit mud and not using pit mud, respectively, in the cellar fermentation process of Maotai-flavor Baijiu. The results showed that the temperature change trend, water content, starch content, acidity, reducing sugar content, production yield of the base liquor distilled from the top of fermented grains and total base liquor of the cellar were very close in different cellar sealing methods ( & quot;no mud used to seal pits/with mud used to seal pits & quot;). The base liquor produced by & quot;no mud used to seal pits & quot; method scored higher in body cleanliness than that produced by & quot;with mud used to seal pits & quot; method, but lower in sauce flavor and liquor body alcohol thickness, and similar in aftertaste and Qu flavor. However, the quality of the base liquor distilled by the two methods was qualified. Using PLS-DA model, 10 flavor compounds were identified as the key factors of quality difference. In conclusion, Whether or not to use cellar mud has little effect on fermentation process, physicochemical indexes of fermented grains and basic liquor yield in Maotai-flavor Baijiu production process, but it plays an important role in the style and quality of base liquor. Finally, according to the actual technical requirements of Maotai-flavor Baijiu enterprises, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the quality management of mud used to seal pits.


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