该文建立快速测定糕点及碳酸饮料中苯甲酸的双波长可见吸收光谱法。研究表明,在pH 8.54 Tris-盐酸介质中,苯甲酸与乙基紫反应生成二元离子缔合物。最大负吸收波长位于497 nm,次大负吸收波长位于628 nm,苯甲酸的质量浓度在0.03~1.2 mg/L 时与吸光强度呈良好的线性关系,服从朗伯-比尔定律。表观摩尔吸光系数(κ)分别为 5.04×104 L/(mol·cm)(497 nm)和3.70×104L/(mol·cm)(628 nm),检出限为0.026 mg/L(497 nm)和0.028 mg/L(628 nm),碳酸饮料的定量限为4.33 mg/L(497 nm) 和4.66 mg/L(628 nm),糕点的定量限为14.4 mg/kg(497 nm)和15.4 mg/kg(628 nm)。用双波长法测定时,线性范围为0.02~1.2 mg/L,表观摩尔吸光系数为8.74×104L/(mol·cm),检出限为0.014 mg/L,碳酸饮料和糕点的定量限分别为2.33和7.33 mg/kg,加标回收率为97.1%~103%,相对标准偏差RSD(n=5)为2.0%~2.8%。该法简便、快速、灵敏,适于碳酸饮料及糕点中苯甲酸的测定。
A double wavelength visible absorption spectrometry method for the rapid determination of benzoic acid in pastries and carbonated beverages was developed. In a Tris- hydrochloric acid medium of pH 8.54, benzoic acid reacted with ethyl violet to form a binary ionic association complex. The maximum negative absorption wavelength was located at 497 nm, and the second largest negative absorption wavelength was at 628 nm. The mass concentration of benzoic acid in the range of 0.03 to 1.2 mg/L has a good linear relationship with the light absorption intensity, and the Lambert-beer's law was obeyed. The apparent molar absorptivity (κ) were 5.04×104 L/ (mol·cm) (497 nm) and 3.70×104 L/ (mol·cm) (628 nm), respectively. The detection limit was 0.026 mg/L (497 nm) and 0.028 mg/L (628 nm) respectively. The quantitative limits of carbonated beverages were 4.33 mg/L (497 nm) and 4.66 mg/L (628 nm), respectively, ang the quantitative limits of pastries were 14.4 mg/kg (497 nm) and 15.4 mg/kg (628 nm). When measured by the dual - wavelength method, linear range was 0.02 to 1.2 mg/L, the apparent molar absorptivity (κ) was 8.74×104 L/ (mol·cm), the detection limit was 0.014 mg/L. The quantitative limits of carbonated beverages and pastries were 2.33 mg/kg and 7.33 mg/kg, respectively; and the spiked recovery was 97.1% to 103%, the relative standard deviation RSD (n=5) was 2.0% to 2.8%. The method was simple, rapid and sensitive, which was suitable for the determination of benzoic acid in carbonated beverages and pastries.
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