

  • 薛广 ,
  • 李敏 ,
  • 关志强
  • 1(广东海洋大学 食品科技学院,广东省水产品加工与安全重点实验室,水产品深加工广东普通高等学校重点实验室,广东 湛江,524088)
    2(广东海洋大学 机械与动力工程学院,广东 湛江,524088)

收稿日期: 2019-06-18

  网络出版日期: 2020-03-27



Simulation of vacuum microwave drying of Tilapia fillets by ultrasonic penetration based on Weibull function

  • XUE Guang ,
  • LI Min ,
  • GUAN Zhiqiang
  • 1(College of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Product Processing and Safety, Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution, Zhanjiang 524088, China)
    2(College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)

Received date: 2019-06-18

  Online published: 2020-03-27


为建立罗非鱼片干燥过程动力学模型,以超声波辅助渗透处理后的罗非鱼片为研究对象,利用真空微波干燥设备,探讨不同厚度(5、7、9 mm)、微波功率(264、330、396 W)以及真空度(0.05、0.06、0.07 MPa)对罗非鱼片干燥过程的影响,采用3种经典薄层干燥模型和Weibull函数对其干燥曲线进行非线性拟合分析。结果表明:干燥时间对干燥条件的依赖性很大,随着鱼片厚度(T)、微波功率(W)和真空度(V)的改变而变化;Weibull模型拟合优度较好;基于Weibull函数计算求得估算有效水分扩散系数(Dcal)在1.187 7×10-6~2.052 1×10-6 m2/s范围内随着微波功率(W)与真空度(V)的增加而增大;几何参数Rg与厚度(T)、微波功率(W)及真空度(V)呈负相关;在实验范围内根据Arrhenius方程计算出干燥活化能为0.92 W/g,干燥较易实现。该研究可为真空微波干燥罗非鱼片工艺条件的完善和Weibull函数在罗非鱼片真空微波干燥技术的运用提供参考。


薛广 , 李敏 , 关志强 . 基于Weibull函数的超声渗透罗非鱼片真空微波干燥模拟[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(1) : 157 -165 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021400


This thesis aims to establish the dynamic model of the drying process of Tilapia fillet which is the research object of this paper after ultrasonic assisted osmosis. For this purpose, vacuum microwave drying equipment was used. To investigate the effects of (5, 7, 9 mm), microwave power (264, 330, 396 W) and vacuum (0.05, 0.06, 0.07 MPa) on the drying process of Tilapia fillets, three kinds of classic thin layer drying models and the Weibull function were used to analyze the nonlinear fitting of the drying curve. The result shows that the drying time is highly dependent on the drying conditions and changes with the thickness of fish fillet, microwave power (W) and vacuum degree (V). The Weibull model has comparatively higher level of goodness of fit. The estimated effective water diffusion coefficient Dcal is positively correlated with microwave power (W) and vacuum degree (V) in the range of (1.187 7×10-6-2.052 1×10-6) m2/s based on Weibull function. Geometric parameter Rg is negatively correlated with thickness (T), microwave power (W) and vacuum degree (V). According to Arrhenius equation, the activation energy of drying is 0.92 w/g within the experimental range, and drying is easy to be realized. This study can provide reference for the improvement of vacuum microwave drying process conditions of Tilapia fillets and the application of Weibull function in vacuum microwave drying technology of Tilapia fillets.


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