为了提升深海养殖大黄鱼玻璃态保藏工艺,寻找适宜的大分子添加剂组合配方,并提高其玻璃态转变温度(Tg),通过添加不同浓度和不同种类的添加剂,以Tg为指标,使用Box-Benhnken试验设计和响应面分析法对添加剂进行优化组合。结果表明,最优组合设计:质量分数0.2%乳酸钠,4.0%海藻糖,4.0%麦芽糊精,0.3%柠檬酸钠。该组合条件下,样品Tg实际值可提升至-53.31 ℃。扫描电镜结果显示,添加组内部结构紧密、表面平整、无明显空洞,而空白组有较多的空洞,组织比较松散,说明大分子添加剂与样品内组织发生交联作用,可以有效地提升其Tg。
This study aims to enhance the glass preservation process of deep-sea cultured large yellow croaker and develop a suitable food additive combination formula to increase its glass transition temperature (Tg). By adding different concentrations and different types of food additive, using Tg as an indicator and applying the Box-Benhnken test design and response surface analysis method, this study analyzed the optimal combination of additives. The optimal combination design is 0.2% sodium lactate, 4.0% trehalose, 4.0% maltodextrin and 0.3% sodium citrate. Under such combination, the actual value Tg of the sample can be increased to -53.31 ℃. The results of scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the internal structure of the sample was well concentrated and its surface was smooth without any obvious voids, while the blank group had more voids and loose microstructure. It indicates that the macromolecular additive cross-links with the tissue in the sample, which can effectively increase its Tg. This study provides a reference for the research and application of vitrification preservation technology for aquatic products.
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