以梨和生姜为原料研制一种复合型果酒,选取Yeast-W2、Yeast-全兴5#、Yeast-NJSYS-70、异常毕赤酵母(Pichia anomala)、安琪果酒酵母5种酵母进行单一酵母及产香酵母和产酒精酵母复配发酵,测定酒精度、还原糖、总酸、总酯、感官评价及运用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)联用技术研究不同酵母菌发酵对酒品质及风味物质的影响,选出最适的酵母菌或酵母组合。结果表明:安琪果酒酵母与Pichia anomala复合发酵的生姜梨酒在外观、香气和口感等方面较佳,果酒酒精度为12.47 %vol,还原糖3.140 g/L,总酸3.133 g/L,总酯0.442 g/L,酒体澄清,浅黄色有光泽,口感醇厚,酸甜适中,具有浓郁的梨香和淡淡生姜清香。通过GC-MS检测风味物质有28种,主体香气以醇类、酯类为主,各种香气成分的相互协调形成了典型的生姜梨酒的独特风味。
This study is aiming to produce a kind of compound wine using pear and ginger as raw materials, using aroma-producing and alcohol producing yeast: Yeast-W2, Yeast-Quanxing 5#, Yeast-NJSYS-70, Pichia anomala and Angelo Yeast to conduct single-strain and multi-strain fermentation. The alcohol content, reducing sugar, total acid and total ester were measured during the process to select the optimal single strain or strain combination. Furthermore, sensory evaluation was adopted to evaluate the quality of the compound wine, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was utilized to study the effects of different yeast fermentations on the quality and flavor of the wine. The results showed that the ginger pear wine fermented with Angelo Yeast and Pichia anomala had the most desirable appearance, aroma and taste. The alcohol content of the wine was 12.47% (v/v), the reducing sugar was 3.140 g/L, the total acid was 3.133 g/L, and the total ester was 0.442 g/L. The wine had a clear, light yellow, shiny appearance, a full-bodied, moderately sweet and sour taste, and a strong pear with a light ginger flavor. There were 28 kinds of flavor substances detected by GC-MS, and the main aroma were alcohols and esters. The coordination of various taste and aroma components forms the unique flavor of this ginger pear wine.
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