

  • 郑文迪 ,
  • 关倩倩 ,
  • 刘长根 ,
  • 魏本良 ,
  • 熊世进 ,
  • 熊涛
  • 1(南昌大学,食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,江西 南昌, 330047);
    2(南昌大学 食品学院,江西 南昌, 330031)

收稿日期: 2019-10-08

  网络出版日期: 2020-04-07



Comparison of flavors of Suancai and Suansun in Guangxi based on GC-MS

  • ZHENG Wendi ,
  • GUAN Qianqian ,
  • LIU Zhanggen ,
  • WEI Benliang ,
  • XIONG Shijin ,
  • XIONG Tao
  • 1(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047,China);
    2(School of Food Science&Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China)

Received date: 2019-10-08

  Online published: 2020-04-07


酸菜和酸笋是广西地区分布较为广泛的两类发酵蔬菜,酸菜清香爽口,酸笋酸臭刺激,风味差别显著。该文采用气相色谱-质谱仪分析了广西地区酸菜和酸笋两类发酵蔬菜的挥发性成分。结果显示,10份酸菜样品中共检测出97种挥发性成分,15份酸笋样品中共检测出86种挥发性成分。酸菜中主要挥发性成分包括22种醇类、18种酯类、4种异硫氰酸酯、9种醛类、5种酮类;酸笋中主要挥发性成分包括胺类18种、醇类13种、酯类7种、醛类2种。主成分分析表明,酸菜和酸笋的挥发性组分和含量差异明显。理化性质显示,酸菜pH为3.45~4.92,可滴定酸为3.95~10.31 g/L,盐度为14.5~33.9 g/L;酸笋pH为3.53~4.46,可滴定酸为5.39~17.74 g/L,盐度为3.3 g/L~7.2 g/L。该研究揭示了造成广西地区酸菜和酸笋风味差异的具体挥发性成分和两者理化性质的差异,为后期酸菜和酸笋的标准化生产提供了一定的理论依据。


郑文迪 , 关倩倩 , 刘长根 , 魏本良 , 熊世进 , 熊涛 . 基于GC-MS法对比广西地区酸菜和酸笋风味的差异[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(4) : 253 -257 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.022474


Suancai and Suansun are two widely fermented vegetables distributed in Guangxi. In this paper, the volatile components of two kinds of fermented vegetables, namely, Suancai and Suansun, were analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 97 volatile components were detected in 10 Suancai samples and 86 volatile components were detected in 15 Suansun samples. The main volatile components in Suancai included 22 alcohols, 18 esters, 4 isothiocyanates, 9 aldehydes and 5 ketones. And in Suansun samples, the main volatile components included 18 kinds of amines, 13 kinds of alcohols, 7 kinds of esters and 2 kinds of aldehydes. Principal Component Analysis showed that the volatile components and content of Suancai and Suansun were significantly different. The detection of physical and chemical properties showed that in Suancai samples the pH, titratable acid and salinity ranged 3.45-4.92, 3.95-10.31 g/L, 14.5-33.9 g/L respectively. While the pH range of the Suansun was 3.53-4.46, the titratable acid was 5.39-17.74 g/L, the salinity was 3.3-7.2 g/L. This study revealed the differences in the specific volatile components and the physicochemical properties of the Suancai and Suansun samples in Guangxi region, and provided a theoretical basis for the standardized production of Suancai and Suansun.


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