为研究马铃薯淀粉添加量对面团流变学特性及酥性饼干品质的影响,利用替代法将质量分数为0%、5%、10%、15%、20%的马铃薯淀粉添加到低筋蛋糕粉中。测定混合粉的吸油性、面团热机械学特性、面团动态流变学特性、饼干质构特性及感官评价等指标。结果表明,添加马铃薯淀粉后,混合粉吸油性呈现减小趋势。面团吸水率、稳定时间显著减小,面团峰值扭矩、糊化速率显著增大,糊化淀粉的耐热性变差,回生值增大。当马铃薯淀粉添加量超过10%后,面团稳定时间≤2.0 min,符合酥性饼干用粉要求。添加马铃薯淀粉会使得面团黏弹性减小,面团变软,延展性增大。随着马铃薯淀粉添加量的增大,饼干硬度减小,脆性增大,感官评分先增大后减小,添加量为15%时,饼干酥松、品质最佳,且符合GB/T 20980—2007《饼干》标准中水分和碱度要求。
In order to study the effect of potato starch addition on dough rheological properties and crisp biscuit quality, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% potato starch was added to low-gluten cake powder by substitution method. The oil absorption properties of the mixed powder, dough thermomechanical properties, dough dynamic rheological properties, texture characteristics and sensory evaluation of biscuit were determined. The results showed that the oil absorption decreased with the addition of potato starch. The water absorption and stabilization time of dough decreased significantly, the peak torque and gelatinization rate of dough increased significantly, the heat resistance of gelatinized starch decreased, and the retrogradation value increased. When the amount of potato starch was more than 10%, the stability time of dough was less than 2.0 min, which met the requirement of crispy biscuit powder. Adding potato starch could reduce the viscoelasticity of dough, softened the dough and increased its ductility. With the increase of potato starch content, the hardness and brittleness of biscuits decreased, and the sensory score increased first and then decreased. The biscuits with 15% addition were crisp and of the best quality, and met the requirements of moisture and basicity in GB/T 20980—2007 biscuit standard.
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