为提高奇亚籽油的稳定性,对其进行微胶囊化。以包埋率为评价指标对冷冻干燥制备奇亚籽油微胶囊的工艺进行优化,利用激光粒度仪、扫描电镜、红外光谱仪和差示扫描量热仪(differential scanning calorimetry, DSC)等表征微胶囊性状。结果表明,微胶囊的最佳制备工艺为:壁材比(酪蛋白酸钠∶D-乳糖-水合物)1.1∶1(质量比)、固形物浓度31.32%、壁芯比2.34∶1(质量比),包埋率达到90.65%。所得微胶囊产品含有芯材、壁材的特征峰,表明形成奇亚籽油微胶囊的包埋结构。制得的奇亚籽油微胶囊呈不规则的几何形状和紧凑的结构,大小均匀,流动性较好,粉末表面光滑,黏度小,稳定性良好,可满足一般食品加工条件,为奇亚籽油微胶囊在食品工业中的应用提供参考。
Chia seed oil microcapsules were prepared in order to improve the stability of Chia seed oil. Chia seed oil microcapsules were prepared by freeze-drying, and the process optimization was carried out with the embedding rate as an evaluation index. The microcapsules were characterized by laser particle size analyzer, scanning electron microscope, infrared spectrometer and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The results showed that the optimal preparation process of microcapsules was: wall material ratio 1.1∶1, the concentration of solid content 31.32%, mass ration of the wall to core 2.34∶1, the encapsulation rate of microcapsules was 90.65%. The obtained microcapsule product contains characteristic peaks of the core material and the wall material, indicating that the embedded structure of the Chia seed oil microcapsules is formed. The appearance of Chia seed oil microcapsules is irregular in geometry, compact in structure, uniform in size and smooth in surface. At the same time, it has the characteristics of small viscosity, good fluidity and good stability, which can meet the general food processing conditions. Oil microcapsules provide a reference for the application in the food industry.
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