

  • 覃小丽 ,
  • 杨溶 ,
  • 钟金锋 ,
  • 刘雄
  • (西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715)

收稿日期: 2019-12-12

  网络出版日期: 2020-05-20



Effect of milk protein-lecithin system treated by ultrasound on the formation and stabilization of human milk fat analog emulsion

  • QIN Xiaoli ,
  • YANG Rong ,
  • ZHONG Jinfeng ,
  • LIU Xiong
  • (College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2019-12-12

  Online published: 2020-05-20


该研究考察不同超声条件下乳蛋白-磷脂复合体系的理化性质(溶解度、表面疏水性、粒径等)及乳液的粒径变化,并利用Spearman相关系数分析两者的关系,以明确超声条件下复合乳化剂对人乳脂类似物乳液形成与稳定的影响。当延长超声时间或增大功率,该体系的表面疏水性、溶解度增大,粒径减小;该体系的表面疏水性是乳蛋白溶液的1.6~2倍,这说明磷脂与乳蛋白存在相互作用而使蛋白结构展开。以该体系为乳化剂制备人的乳脂类似物乳液的粒径变化与该体系的表面疏水性、溶解度和粒径的变化呈负相关(R=-1.000,P<0.01),即高表面疏水性和溶解度以及小粒径的乳蛋白-磷脂复合体系利于形成小粒径的乳液;超声功率为600 W或时间为35 min时获得的乳液虽有较小初始粒径,但粒径增大程度较大,这与乳蛋白-磷脂复合体系的ζ-电位绝对值较低有关。研究结果为对婴儿配方奶粉的品质控制提供依据与指导。


覃小丽 , 杨溶 , 钟金锋 , 刘雄 . 超声作用下乳蛋白-磷脂复合体系对人乳脂类似物乳液形成与稳定的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(8) : 20 -26 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023078


The effect of ultrasound on the physicochemical properties of milk protein-lecithin system was clarified. The physicochemical properties (solubility, surface hydrophobicity, particle size, etc.) of milk protein- lecithin system and the particle size of emulsions obtained by different ultrasonic conditions were investigated. The relationship between them was analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient. The results showed that with the increase of ultrasonic time or power, the surface hydrophobicity and solubility of the system increased and particle size decreased. The surface hydrophobicity of the system was 1.6 to 2 times than that of the milk protein solution which indicated that the lecithin interacted with the milk protein and protein structure was thereby unfolded. Changes in the particle size of human milk fat analog emulsion was negatively correlated with changes in the surface hydrophobicity, solubility and particle size of the system (r=-1.000, P<0.01). In other words, high surface hydrophobicity and solubility coupled with small particle size of the milk protein-lecithin system facilitated the formation of emulsions with small particle sizes. The emulsion obtained at an ultrasonic power of 600 W or time of 35 min had smaller initial particle sizes, but a high degree of particle size growth in the emulsion was obtained which was related to a lower absolute value of the ζ-potential of the milk protein-lecithin system. The results provide guidance for quality control of emulsion-based infant formula.


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