In order to obtain good local Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the wine fermentation quality of selected yeast with good tolerance and fermentation characteristics was studied. The contents of total acid, residual sugar, alcohol, anthocyanin, tannin and total phenol in the fermentation process as well as at the end point of Merlot fermentation were measured, and the sensory evaluation at the end of fermentation was compared with that of the commercial yeast. The results showed that in the fermentation process of Merlot wine, there was no significant difference in the contents of total acid and alcohol between WJ1 and the commercial yeast. The contents of reducing sugar, tannin, anthocyanin and total phenol were all in between of those of CECA, CEC01 and XR. The content of reducing sugar in Q12 fermentation liquor was slightly higher than that in commercial yeast fermentation liquor, while the content of anthocyanin was slightly lower. There was no significant difference between other indexes. WJ1 fermentation liquid of local Saccharomyces cerevisiae had typical fruit fragrance, but the wine fragrance was slightly insufficient. It had a slightly heavy sour and astringent taste, not soft. The structure of this wine was general, but its clarity, color and aroma were better than those of commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae CECA. The color of local Saccharomyces cerevisiae Q12 fermented wine was not consistent with that of typical Merlot wine, with slight loss of luster, insufficient fruit flavor, short aftertaste, light body, unbalanced and rough body, less clarity, aroma, taste and typicality than those of commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Through the comparative study with commercial strains, we found that two strains of local yeast Q12 and WJ1 were expected to provide new local strains for wine brewing in China after later domestication, and provide theoretical basis for the diversity research of local Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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