基于多相检测技术研究了桑葚原料类型、预处理方式、共培及发酵温度对桑葚酒的非挥发性和挥发性组分的影响。结果表明这些因素显著影响桑葚酒的特征风味。冷冻桑葚所酿的酒,其挥发酸和乳酸含量偏高。Saccharomyces cerevisiae或Saccharomyces bayanus与Torulaspora delbrueckii (25±2) ℃共培养,乙酸含量减少,改变了代谢物含量和比例。S. bayanus与T. delbrueckii (25±2) ℃共培发酵时,除醛和酚外的6类组分的含量都显著高于S. bayanus发酵,总量增加了53.67%。(20±2) ℃共培发酵时,挥发性组分减少了14.48%,主要是醇(减少了39.32%)含量降低所致。S. cerevisiae与T. delbrueckii (25±2) ℃共培发酵时,与S. cerevisiae的总量几乎相同,酯和酸分别减少了11.07%和18.36%,醛、酚和其他组分分别增加了10.15%、20.96%和73.09%。较(20±2) ℃共培的结果,其酯、醛和其他类组分含量分别降低了85.76%、10.55%和23.48%,但样品的花香、果香等特色芳香更浓郁。
In present research, effects of various parameters on the non-volatile and volatile compound in mulberry wine were investigated by polyphase analysis technology, resulted in notable difference of different samples. These parameters included raw material types, pretreatment method, fermentation pattern and temperature. The content of volatile acid and lactic acid in the samples fermented with frozen mulberry were higher. The acetic acid was reduced, resulted in the changes of the metabolite content and their proportion in the samples fermented by co-culturing Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces bayanus with Torulaspora delbrueckii at (25±2) ℃. When co-cultured S. bayanus with T. delbrueckii, the total volatile contents were increased by 53.67%, which were caused by the significant increasing in the contents of 6 groups volatiles besides aldehydes and phenols compared with those of S. bayanus fermentation. The contents of volatile in samples fermented at (20±2) ℃ were decreased by 14.48%, mainly due to the reduced contents of alcohol. Aldehydes, phenols and other components were increased by 10.15%, 20.96% and 73.09%, respectively, when S. cerevisiae was co-cultured with T. delbrueckii at two different fermentation temperature, but the total contents of volatile was nearly the same with that of S. cerevisiae. Contrast to the samples at (20±2) ℃, the fruity and floral aroma in that at (25±2) ℃ were more intense, although the contents of esters, aldehydes and others were increased by 85.76%, 10.55% and 23.48%, respectively. The results laid an important foundation for the co-culture fermentation technology of mulberry wine.
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