在豆酱发酵及储存过程中,表面会出现酪氨酸结晶形成的白点物质,对白点物质的组成进行分析,发现其主要是由40.96%游离氨基酸及37.94%富含酪氨酸的短肽组成。为找到合适的发酵条件来控制酪氨酸含量,设计酱醅模拟培养基并接种米曲霉3.042进行发酵,并对酪氨酸含量及蛋白分解程度进行监测,结果显示,在模拟发酵70 h,30 ℃和100 g/L(盐的质量浓度)下,发酵液中酪氨酸含量较少而蛋白分解程度较大,这对于豆酱生产过程中白点物质的防治具有指导意义。
During the fermentation and storage of soybean paste, white spots appear on the surface. The occurrence of white spots in soybean paste severely reduces the demand of consumers. This study aimed to reveal the composition of white spots isolated from soybean paste and tried to determine the optimal simulated fermentation condition for reducing its formation. Free amino acid and hydrolyzed amino acid analysis showed that the white spots were mainly composed of 40.96% free amino acid (tyrosine and phenylalanine) and 37.94% tyrosine-rich peptides. To reduce the tyrosine concentration in soybean paste, simulated fermentation was conducted using Aspergillus oryzae 3.042 as starter. The effect of temperature and salinity concentration on the tyrosine concentration and amino acid nitrogen concentration was tested after fermentation for 70 h. After linear fitting analysis, At 30℃ and 10% NaCl relatively lower concentration of tyrosine and higher degree of protein decomposition in the fermentation broth were reached.
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