该研究基于高通量测序技术分析了贾湖酒业集团有限责任公司酒醅微生物群落演替性及其在上层、中层和下层酒醅的空间分布。结果表明,各层酒醅微生物群落α-和β-多样性变化规律相似,基于β-多样性分析结果可将整个发酵过程分为发酵前期(0~7 d)、中期(7~15 d)和后期(15~60 d),其中前期物种多样性及丰富度均显著高于后期(P<0.05),乳杆菌属是发酵中、后期酒醅中的绝对优势微生物。各层酒醅微生物群落α-多样性及门水平组成差异的显著性与发酵时间相关。整体上,相同发酵节点下各层酒醅微生物群落α-及β-多样性几乎不存在显著差异,即同层酒醅不能有效地聚成一类。该研究丰富了我国浓香型酒醅微生物群落演替性及其空间分布的内容,为进一步探究空间位置对酒醅微生物群落影响的机理提供数据参考,同时为白酒酿造环境微生物群落空间异质性的研究提供思路和方法借鉴。
In this study, high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analysis the microbial community succession and its spatial distribution on the upper-, middle- and lower-layer in the fermented grains of Jiahu Liquor Group Co., Ltd. The results showed that changes in α-and β-diversity of microbial communities in the fermented grains collected from different layers were similar. According to the result of β-diversity analysis, the entire fermentation process could be divided into early (0-7 d), middle (7-15 d) and late (15-60 d) stage, among which the species diversity and richness in the early stage were significantly higher than those in the late stages (P<0.05), and the genus Lactobacillus was the absolute dominant microorganism in the middle and late stage. The statistical significance of differences of α-diversity and composition at the phylum level of microbial communities in each layer was associated with the fermentation time. Generally, there was no significant difference in the α- and β-diversity of the microbial communities in the fermented grains at different layers with the same fermented time, in other words, fermented grains in each layer could not effectively cluster into one group (UPGMA and PCA analysis). This study could enrich the contents of the microbial community succession and spatial distribution of strong-flavor fermented grains in China, and provide data reference for further exploring the mechanism of the influence of spatial location on the microbial community of fermented grains, as well as provide ideas and methods for the study of the microbial community spatial heterogeneity in the Baijiu brewing environment.
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