为探究青钱柳叶适宜采收期,以浙江文成(WC)和湖南张家界(ZJJ)同种源5年生青钱柳为对象,研究其嫩叶抗氧化活性与酚类物质积累的动态变化。结果表明,随着采收期延迟,WC青钱柳叶自由基清除能力、还原力、总酚含量和总黄酮含量呈先增后降趋势,8月均达到峰值;而ZJJ青钱柳叶抗氧化活性和总酚含量表现出增加-降低-增加的双峰特征,除9月外总黄酮含量未有明显变化。在青钱柳叶提取物中初步鉴定出2种酚酸和10种黄酮,其中(+)-儿茶素仅在WC青钱柳叶中检出;2,3-O-二咖啡酰酒石酸含量与抗氧化活性有着高度正相关(r=0.917~0.941)。这说明青钱柳叶适宜采收期因产地而异, 2,3-O-二咖啡酰酒石酸在其抗氧化活性中起到较为重要的作用。
In order to explore the appropriate harvest time, the variation of antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds in the leaves from 5-year-old C. paliurus trees of the same cultivar across two cultivation sites (Wencheng, WC; Zhangjiajie, ZJJ) were investigated. DPPH and ABTS scavenging ability, reducing power, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of WC leaves increased initially then decreased as the season progressed. Whereas antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content showed a distinct bimodal pattern, along with a slight variation in total flavonoid content except for September. Two phenolic acid and ten flavonoids were qualitatively identified in the extracts of C. paliurus leaves. Among them, (+)-catechin was detected in WC leaves, but not in ZJJ leaves. And the content of 2,3-O-dicaffeoyl tartaric acid was highly positively correlated with the tested antioxidant capacities (r=0.917-0.941). The results suggested that the appropriate harvest time of C. paliurus leaves, despite the same cultivar, differed across the cultivation site, and 2,3-O-dicaffeoyl tartaric acid might act as an important phenolics for antioxidant capacity of the eaves. It would provide the basis for quality control and product development of C. paliurus leaves.
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