

  • 卢承蓉 ,
  • 叶美芝 ,
  • 上官文丹 ,
  • 陈松 ,
  • 钟青萍
  • (广东省食品质量与安全重点实验室,华南农业大学 食品学院,广东 广州,510642)

收稿日期: 2020-03-01

  网络出版日期: 2020-07-15



Mutation breeding for high-yield exopolysaccharide lactic acid bacteria and evaluation of its probiotic properties

  • LU Chengrong ,
  • YE Meizhi ,
  • SHANGGUAN Wendan ,
  • CHEN Song ,
  • ZHONG Qingping
  • (Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Quality and Safety, College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)

Received date: 2020-03-01

  Online published: 2020-07-15


筛选高产胞外多糖 (exopolysaccharide,EPS) 的乳酸菌菌株,对其进行紫外诱变以期获得EPS高产突变菌株,考察突变菌株及原始菌株对酸、胆盐、人工模拟胃肠液的耐受性,并测定其EPS的体外抗氧化活性。筛选出1株乳酸片球菌L15,其EPS产量为175.88 mg/L,对其进行二轮紫外诱变,得到1株高产EPS突变菌株L15U2-26,EPS产量可达232.34 mg/L。L15、L15U2-26耐酸性较强,在pH为3.0的环境下培养3 h后,存活率分别为123.49%、132.40%;经含3.0 g/L胆盐培养基处理24 h后,其活菌数均从107 CFU/mL下降至105 CFU/mL;经人工模拟胃、肠液处理后,最终活菌数分别为104、105CFU/mL。L15 EPS质量浓度为0.50~8.00 mg/mL时,对DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基、羟自由基、超氧阴离子的清除率分别为18.38%~76.88%、12.87%~71.79%、29.70%~44.16%、8.11%~15.38%,L15U2-26的EPS的清除率则分别为17.35%~72.41%、10.73%~76.25%、30.94%~49.51%、13.64%~23.94%。该研究结果表明L15、L15U2-26具有良好的益生功能,为后期的体内活性研究奠定基础,也为乳酸菌EPS作为天然抗氧化剂提供理论依据。


卢承蓉 , 叶美芝 , 上官文丹 , 陈松 , 钟青萍 . 高产胞外多糖乳酸菌的诱变育种及其益生特性[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(12) : 14 -20 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023807


High EPS-producing strains of lactic acid bacteria were screened, and UV mutation was conducted to obtain mutant strains with high yield of EPS. The tolerance of the mutant strains and the original strain to acids, bile salts, artificial simulated gastrointestinal fluid were investigated, and the antioxidant activity of the EPS was determined in vitro. Pediococcus lactis L15 was selected and the EPS yield was 175.88 mg/L, after two rounds of UV mutation, the EPS high-yielding mutant strain L15U2-26 was obtained with the EPS yield of 232.34 mg/L. L15 and L15U2-26 showed strong acid resistance. After 3 h of culture in a pH 3.0 environment, the survival rates were 123.49% and 132.40%, respectively. After treated with 3.0 g/L bile salt medium for 24 h, the number of viable cells decreased from 107 CFU/mL to 105 CFU/mL. After artificial simulated gastric and intestinal fluid treatment, the final viable counts were 104 and 105 CFU/mL, respectively. The clearance rates of L15 EPS at 0.50-8.00 mg/mL on DPPH, ABTS, hydroxyl radicals, and superoxide anions were 18.38%-76.88%, 12.87%-71.79%, 29.70%-44.16%, 8.11%-15.38%, and the clearance rates of L15U2-26 EPS were 17.35%-72.41%, 10.73%-76.25%, 30.94%-49.51%, 13.64%-23.94%, respectively. The results indicated that L15 and L15U2-26 possessed good probiotic functions, providing basis for further research on in vivo activity, and theoretical basis for EPS of lactic acid bacteria as a natural antioxidant.


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