为探究高光谱成像技术对羊肉新鲜度无损检测的可行性,通过高光谱成像系统获取羊肉样本935~2 539 nm的高光谱图像,测定羊肉挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N)含量并划分样本新鲜度类别。借助连续投影法(successive projection algorithm,SPA)优选的12个特征波长建立基于反向人工神经网络(back-propagation artificial neural network, BPANN)和分类回归决策树(classification and regression trees , CART)算法的羊肉新鲜度判别模型。结果表明,BPANN模型对校正集和预测集的平均分类准确率为100%和83.33%,对3个新鲜度类别样本的识别率分别为88.89%、75%和85.71%;CART模型对校正集和预测集的平均分类准确率为100%和91.67%,对3个新鲜度类别样本的识别率分别为88.89%、87.50%和100%。CART模型的平均分类准确率和对3个类别样本的识别率均高于BPANN模型,表明高光谱成像技术结合CART算法可有效提高羊肉新鲜度的判别精度。
In order to explore the feasibility of non-destructive detection for lamb freshness by hyperspectral imaging technology, hyperspectral images of lamb samples in the near infrared(935-2 539 nm)regions were acquired by the hyperspectral imaging system, and the total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) for lamb was determined to classify sample freshness. Lamb freshness discrimination model based on back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) and classification and regression trees (CART) with 12 characteristic wavelengths optimized by successive projection algorithm (SPA) method. The results showed that the average classification accuracy of BPANN model were 100% and 83.33% for correction set and prediction set, respectively; the recognition rate to three freshness samples was 88.89%, 75% and 85.71%, respectively. The average classification accuracy of CART model were 100% and 91.67% for correction set and prediction set, respectively; the recognition rate to three freshness samples was 88.89%, 87.50% and 100%, respectively. The average classification accuracy and recognition rate of three kinds of samples of cart model were higher than that of BPANN model. The research indicates that hyperspectral imaging technology combined with cart algorithm could effectively improve the accuracy of judging lamb freshness.
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