以接种发酵泡菜、卤水泡菜和自然发酵泡菜为研究对象,探究3种发酵方式下制备的萝卜泡菜的理化特性和风味差异。发酵96 h后,3种泡菜的pH均在4.0以下;接种发酵和自然发酵泡菜总酸的质量浓度达到5 g/L,卤水泡菜总酸的质量浓度由4 g/L增加到8 g/L;接种发酵泡菜的乳酸菌总数最高(>1×108 CFU/mL);接种发酵泡菜在气味、滋味与总分3方面的评分均最高。通过气质联用(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS)分析发现,接种发酵泡菜中果糖、塔格糖和蔗糖含量高于卤水泡菜和自然发酵泡菜,卤水泡菜中丙二醇、甘油、甘露醇、乳酸和草酸等的含量均比其他2种泡菜多,氨基酸种类也更丰富;采用固相微萃取-气质联用(solid phase microextraction-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS)分析确定了二甲基二硫醚、二甲基三硫醚、柠檬烯、β-金合欢烯、2-壬酮、2-十一烷酮、芳樟醇和桉油精8种关键的香气活性物质,这些香气活性物质在接种发酵泡菜中更丰富。
Three kinds of radish pickles were prepared by inoculated fermentation, brined fermentation and natural fermentation, and the physicochemical properties and flavor were investigated. After 96 h of fermentation, the pH values were all below 4.0. The acidity of pickles by inoculated fermentation and natural fermentation reached 5 g/L, and brined pickle increased from 4 g/L to 8 g/L. The inoculated pickle had the highest lactic acid bacteria count (>1×108 CFU/mL). And the odor, taste and total scores were higher than the others. According to the GC-MS analysis, the content of fructose, tagatose and sucrose in the pickle by inoculated fermentation was higher than brined and natural fermented pickles. Moreover, the content of propylene glycol, glycerol, mannitol, lactic acid and oxalic acid in the brined pickle were higher than the other two methods, and specifically the amino acid species were more abundant. Dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, limonene, β-farnesene, 2-nonanone, 2-undecanone, linalool, and eucalyptol were identified as the key flavor active substances by SPME-GC-MS, and all these components were more abundant in the inoculated pickle.
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