

  • 闫浩凯 ,
  • 张波 ,
  • 刘琦 ,
  • 牛见明 ,
  • 史肖 ,
  • 韩舜愈
  • 1(甘肃农业大学 食品科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州,730070)
    2(甘肃省葡萄与葡萄酒工程学重点实验室(甘肃农业大学),甘肃 兰州,730070)
    3(甘肃省葡萄与葡萄酒产业技术研发中心(甘肃农业大学),甘肃 兰州,730070)
    4(甘肃农业大学 生命科学技术学院,甘肃 兰州,730070)

收稿日期: 2020-02-28

  网络出版日期: 2020-08-04



Optimization of accelerated ageing of esters in brandy byultrahigh-pressure technique

  • YAN Haokai ,
  • ZHANG Bo ,
  • LIU Qi ,
  • NIU Jianming ,
  • SHI Xiao ,
  • HAN Shunyu
  • 1(College of Food Science and Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
    2(Gansu Key Laboratory of Viticulture and Enology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
    3(Research and Development Center of Wine Industry in Gansu Province, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, 730070, China)
    4(College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China)

Received date: 2020-02-28

  Online published: 2020-08-04


陈酿过程是提高白兰地品质的重要环节,但长时间陈酿也是目前限制白兰地快速生产与大规模推广的主要难题,为拓展白兰地催陈方法及研究超高压技术在白兰地催陈研究中的应用前景,通过单因素和响应面试验对超高压处理关键参数进行优化,最优工艺参数为:处理压力309 MPa,处理时间51 min,处理温度25 ℃,在此条件下测得总酯含量为0.86 g/L。催陈效果评价试验结果显示,在总酯含量方面,优化的超高压催陈方法可达到常规陈酿6年的效果。热图聚类分析结果显示,超高压处理后白兰地中主要酯类香气物质可基本达到常规陈酿6年的效果,并且超高压处理对各酯类香气物质含量的催陈效果具有一定的差异。因此,超高压技术在白兰地酯类物质的催陈研究中具有很大的应用前景。该研究结果为白兰地催陈方法的拓展及超高压技术在白兰地催陈中的应用提供了数据支持。


闫浩凯 , 张波 , 刘琦 , 牛见明 , 史肖 , 韩舜愈 . 超高压技术催陈白兰地中酯类物质的工艺优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2020 , 46(13) : 152 -159 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.023784


Ageing is an important part to improve the quality of brandy, but long-term ageing limits the rapid production and large-scale promotion of brandy at present. And all current ageing techniques had defects. To expand the methods of brandy ageing, ultrahigh-pressure technique be used and key parameters of ultra-high pressure treatment was optimized by single factor and response surface methodology. The optimized parameters were 309 MPa at 25 ℃ for 51 min. In this condition, the total ester reached 0.86 g/L. The evaluation test showed that with the optimized ultra-high pressure ageing treatment the same result could be achieved as the effect of six years of conventional ageing. And the heat map clustering analysis showed that the main ester aroma substances in brandy obtained by ultra-high pressure could basically reach the effect of 6 years of conventional ageing. Besides, ultra-high pressure treatment had different ageing effect on the content of different ester aroma substances. Therefore, ultra-high pressure technique has a great application prospect in the ageing of esters in brandy. The results provide data support on the development of brandy ageing method and the application of ultra-high pressure technique in brandy ageing.


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