为探究冰温真空(-2 ℃,500~600 Pa)、真空蒸发(60 ℃,95 kPa)2种浓缩方式对果汁品质及抗氧化性的影响,实验以苹果原汁为空白对照,测定贮藏期内果汁的pH、可滴定酸、色差、离心沉淀率、多酚、黄酮以及抗氧化活性变化等相关指标。结果表明,冰温浓缩果汁在贮藏期内pH、可滴定酸、色差变化相对稳定。贮藏30 d后2种果汁离心沉淀率分别为11.07%、20.38%。经处理第1天冰温浓缩果汁总酚和黄酮含量(50.50、29.56 mg/100g)均高于加热浓缩果汁(47.08、27.61 mg/100g),在整个贮藏期内加热浓缩果汁多酚保留率为83.18%,而冰温浓缩果汁高达90.98%,变化相对稳定。经测定冰温浓缩果汁的还原力、DPPH·和ABTS+·的清除能力均显著高于真空蒸发浓缩果汁。抗氧化成分与抗氧化能力pearson相关性分析表明酚类物质对抗氧化能力贡献较大。该研究结果为采用冰温技术进行浓缩苹果汁提供了理论参考和技术依据。
To investigate the effects of ice temperature vacuum (-2 ℃, 500-600 Pa) and vacuum evaporation (60 ℃, 95 kPa) on the quality and antioxidant properties of juice, apple juice was used as a blank control to determine the pH, titratable acid, color difference, centrifugal precipitation rate, polyphenols, flavonoids and changes in antioxidant activity during the storage period. The results showed that pH, titratable acid and chromatic aberration were stable. After 30 d of storage, the centrifugal precipitation rates of the two kinds of juice were 11.07% and 20.38%, respectively. The total phenol and flavonoid contents (50.50,29.56 mg/100g) of treated d1 ice-temperature concentrated juice were higher than those of heated concentrated juice (47.08,27.61 mg/100g). During the whole storage period, the polyphenol retention rate of heated concentrated juice was 83.18%, while the ice temperature concentrated juice was as high as 90.98% and the change was relatively stable. The reduction force, scavenging ability of DPPH radical and ABTS radical were significantly higher than those of vacuum-heated concentrated juice. Correlation analysis pearson antioxidant components and antioxidant capacity showed that phenols contribute more to antioxidant capacity. The results provide a theoretical reference and technical basis for the concentration of apple juice by ice temperature technology.
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