以传统自然发酵的崇左市江州酸菜为研究对象,探究气调冷藏工艺条件对江州酸菜叶部和梗部的贮藏品质的影响。将江州酸菜分切为叶部和梗部,以不同比例浓度的N2+CO2气调包装在4 ℃冷藏条件下贮藏,90 d内,每隔15 d取样,分别测定江州酸菜叶部和梗部的总酸含量、pH值、亚硝酸盐含量、VC含量、色差度ΔE和感官特性的变化,来分析比较气调冷藏技术对江州酸菜叶部和酸菜梗部保藏特性的影响及其感官品质的变化规律。结果表明,MAP1(20%CO2+80%N2)气调冷藏试验组在抑制江州酸菜总酸的下降、VC的氧化、pH和色差度ΔE的上升,促进亚硝酸盐的降解和保持酸菜感官品质方面显著优于其他试验组(P<0.05),且各试验组均显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。MAP1(20%CO2+80%N2)气调冷藏条件下,能有效抑制江州酸菜贮藏期内的褐变、软化、过度酸化等品质问题,保持江州酸菜的贮藏品质。该研究可为延长江州酸菜保藏期与保持感官品质提供理论依据和技术支持。
The aim of this study was to explore the effect of the air-conditioned refrigeration technology on the storage quality of leaves and stems of Jiangzhou pickled vegetables and to provide a theoretical basis for the air-conditioned refrigeration technology of Jiangzhou pickled vegetables. Jiangzhou pickled cabbage was divided into leaves and stems by traditional natural fermentation. Samples were taken every 15 days during the 90 days storage under the condition of 4 ℃ air-conditioned packaging of N2+CO2 with different concentrations. The total acid content, pH value, nitrite content, VC content, color difference ΔE and sensory of Jiangzhou pickled cabbage were measured in order to analyze the effects of air-conditioned cold storage technology on the preservation characteristics of sauerkraut and the changes of sensory quality. The results showed that MAP1 (20%CO2+80%N2) was significantly better than other experimental groups in inhibiting the decrease of total acid, the oxidation of VC, the rise of pH and color difference ΔE. It also could promote the degradation of nitrite and maintain the sensory quality of sauerkraut (P<0.05). Besides, each experimental group was significantly better than the control group (P<0.05). And MAP1 (20%CO2+80%N2) could effectively inhibit the browning, softening, over acidification and other quality problems during the storage period and maintain the storage quality of Jiangzhou pickled vegetables. This study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for prolonging the storage period and maintaining the sensory quality of Jiangzhou pickled vegetables.
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