采用5种不同透气性能的聚乙烯薄膜密封包装花椰菜,探究其对花椰菜在(0±0.5) ℃低温贮藏过程中包装袋内气体成分及感官品质变化的影响。结果表明,自发气调包装均可不同程度抑制花椰菜感官品质的劣变,不同处理间的O2/CO2气体含量、外观品质及营养品质存在显著差异(P<0.05)。其中,在0.1 MPa条件下,O2透过量为(10 867±462) cm3/(m2·d·0.1 MPa)和CO2透过量为(41 867±2 031) cm3/(m2·d·0.1 MPa)的包装膜B处理密封包装5 d后,袋内O2和CO2体积分数稳定维持在1.6%~3%和3.6%~6.0%,这有效地延缓了花椰菜质地松软、花球褐变等外观品质的劣变现象,延缓了可溶性蛋白质的降解,在贮藏过程中保持良好的感官品质;采用A、B处理的薄膜均可延长花椰菜保鲜期至50 d,但B处理的包装膜能更好抑制花球亮度及紧实度的变化。
The effects of five kinds of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) films with different gas permeability parameters on the gas composition and sensory quality of cauliflower during storage at (0±0.5) ℃ were detected. The results showed that the packaging films could inhibit the deterioration of sensory quality of cauliflower at varying degrees,and there were significant differences in O2/CO2 gas content,appearance quality and nutritional quality between different treatments (P<0.05). After five days of storage,oxygen (1.6%-3%) and carbon dioxide (3.6%-6.0%) levels could be maintained in the packaging film B with oxygen and carbon dioxide permeance of (10 867±462)cm3/(m2·d) and (41 867±2 031)cm3/(m2·d). And it could effectively delay the deterioration of the cauliflower appearance quality,such as softening and browning of cauliflower,and delay the degradation of soluble protein and maintain good sensory quality. The packaging films A and B can prolong the freshness period of cauliflower up to 50 days,but the packaging film B could better inhibit the changes in brightness and firmness of cauliflower.
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